
We recruit at the best colleges, universities and professional conferences, looking for talented individuals to join our diverse workforce.

We want to meet you and learn about your aspirations. We have recruiting teams that recruit around the country, speaking with brilliant students and professionals just like you. During our recruiting events, we’re available to answer your questions, learn about your ambitions, and see if a career with Sandia National Laboratories may be in your future.

Take a look at the variety of career opportunities available at Sandia and come talk to us at one of our campus events.

How to locate us

  • Look at our list of recruiting events.
  • Students, check with your university’s Career Services office to see what events we have scheduled at your school.
  • If there are no upcoming events at your campus, search for a career fair or conference in your area, and scan the list of employers for Sandia National Laboratories.

If we’re visiting your campus…

  • Be sure to attend our Tech Talk and Information presentations. Presentations are great opportunities to network with current Sandia employees.
  • If you attend a job fair, stop at our booth to chat with us. There are usually plenty of Sandians to answer any and all of your questions. This is another excellent networking opportunity.
  • Don’t forget to bring your resume.

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status and any other protected class under state or federal law.

Sandia invites you to review the Equal Employment Opportunity posters which include EEO is the Law, EEO is the Law Poster Supplement, and Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination Provision.

Sandia is a drug-free workplace. As a national laboratory funded by a U.S. government agency, we are subject to federal laws regarding illegal drug use. Illegal use of a controlled substance, including marijuana even in places where it does not violate state law, may impact your ability to obtain and/or maintain a Department of Energy security clearance, and may result in the withdrawal of an employment offer or termination of employment.