Jerilyn Timlin
Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff

Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff
(505) 844-7932
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0895
and spectroscopic-based tools in conjunction with multivariate image analysis to understand the fundamental spatial-temporal relationships that govern complex biological processes. Her work interfaces analytical chemistry and optical physics with molecular and cellular biology and has direct impact on human health, plant science, and renewable energy research. She has initiated and collaborated with researchers from different scientific disciplines to tackle complex problems in biodefense and bioenergy, including multiplexed imaging of endogenous and exogenous fluorescence in plant and animal cells and tissues, visualization of host-pathogen interactions, nanoparticle uptake and trafficking, receptor ligand interactions, and identification of molecular biomarkers for early detection of disease and cellular response to changing environmental conditions.
Bachelor’s Degree: Chemical Engineering, Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA (1995)
Doctoral Degree: Analytical Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (2000)
Postdoctoral Fellowship: Analytical Chemistry, Sandia National Laboratories (2002)
Research Interests

Timlin’s research focuses on developing and applying novel analytical-imaging and multivariate-analysis tools to elucidate complex spatial-temporal relationships of a variety of biomolecules that drive key biological processes.The work in our lab crosses traditional boundaries of chemistry, physics, and biology and often covers multiple spatial scales from single molecules on up to single cells, communities, and tissues. A main component of our work is spectral imaging – a method whereby spectrally resolved information is obtained at every two-dimensional pixel or three dimensional voxel. I have been developing and applying various spectral imaging technologies (also called chemical imaging) since my graduate work which pioneered the use of hyperspectral Raman microscopy with near-infrared excitation to elucidate the dynamic chemical composition of bone without the use of labels. Most recently, my group has employed both hyperspectral Raman and fluorescence microscopy to a variety of applications looking at single molecules to intact tissue, including the visualization of subcellular pigment distribution in photosynthetic organisms such as cyanobacteria and green algae (Figure 1 at right).
The addition of a spectral dimension can result in a three-, four-, or five-dimension image data set (2-3 spatial, 1 spectral, and 1 temporal) that is beyond human visualization capabilities. For this reason we utilize sophisticated multivariate analysis tools to mathematically extract the underlying spectral signatures and create quantitative spatial-temporal profiles of biomolecules.
In keeping with the multicolor theme, Timlin’s lab has developed multi-color, optical super resolution capabilities. Building from our unique capabilities in dual-color, video rate, total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy, we have constructed a simultaneous, dual-color single molecule, stochastic optical super-resolution (STORM) microscope. With spatial resolutions approaching those of electron microscopy (~30-40 nm), this technology is opening our eyes to a variety of biological processes never before seen. For example, Figure 2 highlights receptor reorganization at the membrane during immune response.
Timlin’s work interfaces analytical chemistry and optical physics with molecular and cellular biology and has direct impact on human health, plant science, and renewable energy research. We work collaboratively with researchers from different scientific disciplines to tackle complex bioscience problems.

Figure 1 (top right): Hyperspectral confocal Raman image of carotenoids and chlorophyll in living Haematococcus pluvialis cells. Upper panel: component spectra. Lower panel: pigment localization, pseudo-colored corresponding to spectra in upper panel. Figure generated by Aaron Collins in collaboration with Thomas Beechem, and Howland Jones at SNL and Dr. Qiang Hu’s group at ASU.
Figure 2 (bottom left): Nanoscale organization of Toll-like Receptor 4 (TLR4) and E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at the plasma membrane of mouse macrophage cells as visualized with simultaneous, dual-color stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM). Figure generated by Jesse Aaron, work in collaboration wtih Bryan Carson at SNL.
Multiplexed Measurements of Protein Dynamics and Interactions at Extreme Resolutions
This project was funded under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director’s New Innovator Award in 2009. When successful, this project will provide an unprecedented view of protein interactions in the living cell through the development of novel spectrally resolved superresolution microscopy methods.
Analyzing and Understanding of Transporters to Control Lignin Transformation into Fuel
The overall goal of this project is to understand the fundamental relationships that govern lignin transport in order to control transport in a way that will provide an increase in the range and kinetics of transport into cells. Timlin is developing analytical tools for assessing lignin uptake and kinetics in bulk and at the single cell/single molecule level. Combining experimental measurements with computational modeling, she hopes to identify the types of transporters that are active on lignin and their substrate specificity as well the kinetics of lignin transport in natural and engineered hosts.
Photosynthetic Antennae Research Center (PARC)
PARC is one of 46 Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) established nationally at universities, national laboratories, nonprofit organizations, and private firms by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. A multi-institutional collaboration, PARC seeks to understand the basic scientific principles that underpin the efficient functioning of natural photosynthetic antenna systems. These principles will then be used as a basis for man-made systems to convert sunlight into fuels. Timlin’s specific work within PARC will use advanced spectral imaging and analysis methodologies to isolate fluorescent signatures from natural and bio-inspired photosynthetic pigments to increase our understanding of the spatial distribution and abundance of these critical components in the energy transfer cascade.
Awards, Honors, and Memberships
- Editorial board, American Journal of Molecular and Cellular Biology (2011)
- Member, Optical Society of America (2011) Member, Microscopy Society of America (2007)
- Member, Coblentz Society (2001) Member, Society for Applied Spectroscopy (1998)
- Member, American Chemical Society (1992)
Awards and Honors
- SNL Distinguished Mentorship Award (2016)
- SNL Employee Recognition Award: Individual Values, Ethics, and Integrity (2013)
- Outstanding Women at Sandia National Laboratories winner (2011)
- KNME Science Café Speaker (2011)
- NIH New Innovator Award (2009)
- R&D 100 Award Winner “Hyperspectral Confocal Microscope” (2009)
- Sandia National Laboratories Emerging Leaders Program (2008)
- American Chemical Society- Div of Analytical Chemistry Fellowship (1999-2000)
- Graduate Student Council in Chemistry President (1998-1999)
- Student panelist for Office of Conflict Resolution (1997-1999)
- GAANN (Graduate Assistantship in Area of National Need) Fellow (1995-1998)
- Graduate Student Council in Chemistry (1995-1997)
- Presidential Scholar, Geneva College (1991-1995)
Selected Patents
- US Patent. No.: US 8,686,363 B1 “Hyperspectral Stimulated Emission Depletion Microscopy and Methods of Use Thereof”, Jerilyn A. Timlin and Jesse S. Aaron, Awarded April 1, 2014.
Selected Book Chapters
- Timlin, JA, Collins, AM, Shumskaya, M, Wurtzel, ET, Beechem, TA, “Localizing and Quantifying Carotenoids in Intact Cells and Tissues” in Carotenoids. Cvetkovic, D and Nikolic, G. InTech:Rijeka, 2017, Ch. 03.
- Haaland, DM, Jones, HDT and Timlin, JA, “Experimental and data analytical approaches to automating multivariate curve resolution in the analysis of hyperspectral images ” in Resolving Spectral Mixtures, Ruckebusch, C, editor(s). Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2016, 381-406.
- Anthony S, Carroll-Portillo A and Timlin JA, “Dynamics and interactions of individual proteins in the membrane of single, living cells ” in Single Cell Protein Analysis. Singh, AK and Chandrasekaran, A, editor(s). Springer New York: 2015, 185-207.
- Chen W, Han D, Li Y, Jones HDT, Timlin JA, Hu Q, Semi-Quantitative and Absolute Quantitative Analyses of Biochemical Composition of Microalgae. In Handbook of Microalgal Cultures – Second Edition. Hu R, (Ed.), Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
- Aaron JS and Timlin JA “Advanced Optical Imaging of Endocytosis,” in Molecular Recognition of Endocytosis, B. Ceresa (Ed.), InTech, 2012.
- Timlin JA, “Scanning microarrays: Current methods and future directions,” In DNA Microarrays, Part B: Databases and Statistics. Kimmel A, Oliver B, editors. Academic Press: New York, 2006: 79-98.
Danae Maes, August Finke, Chuck Smallwood, Jerilyn Timlin, Anne Ruffing, Michael Howard, (2021). Hyperspectral Bioindicators of Heavy Metal Exposure in Tall Fescue Publication ID: 79424
Jerilyn Timlin, Thomas Reichardt, Danae Maes, Cameron Kunstadt, Christopher Katinas, Tyler Hipple, Todd Lane, Travis jensen, Thomas Dempster, John McGowen, Kunal Poorey, Deanna Curtis, (2021). Real-time monitoring of algal pond productivity and pest presence Publication ID: 78889
Jerilyn Timlin, (2021). Barriers to Scale: Algae Crop Protection Workshop- Spectroradiometric Monitoring Publication ID: 78174
Danae Maes, Jerilyn Timlin, Stephen Anthony, Joshua Podlevsky, Steven Branda, (2020). Concurrent evaluation of autophagy induction and Burkholderia infection at the single cell level Publication ID: 71479
Danae Maes, Jerilyn Timlin, (2020). Concurrent evaluation of autophagy induction and Burkholderia infection at the single cell level Publication ID: 71149
Thomas Reichardt, Jerilyn Timlin, (2020). Spectroradiometric detection update Publication ID: 74788
Matthew Hirakawa, Raga Krishnakumar, Jerilyn Timlin, James Carney, Kimberly Butler, (2020). Gene editing and CRISPR in the clinic: Current and future perspectives Bioscience Reports Publication ID: 73844
Roxana Khoshravesh, Sandeep Pallikkuth, Jerilyn Timlin, Keith LIdke, David Hanson, (2020). Hyperspectral Raman Imaging to Fingerprint Key Plants Metabolites and Cellular Component Publication ID: 72760
Danae Maes, Meghan Dailey, Kevin Cox, Stephen Anthony, Bryan Carson, Steven Bradfute, Ian Henderson, Mary Ortner, Jerilyn Timlin, (2020). Potential of Proprietary Molecules for Inducing Autophagy and Enhancing Antibiotic Treatment of Tuberculosis Publication ID: 70763
Robert Johnston, Kyle Seamon, Edwin Saada, Joshua Podlevsky, Steven Branda, Jerilyn Timlin, Jason Harper, (2019). Use of anti-CRISPR protein AcrIIA4 as a capture ligand for CRISPR/Cas9 detection Biosensors and Bioelectronics Publication ID: 70297
Brooke Harmon, Jerilyn Timlin, Christina Ting, (2019). Genomic Security Related Projects Publication ID: 70491
Kunyi Li, Jerilyn Timlin, (2019). Examining the Potency of Potential Autophagy Inducing Drugs Publication ID: 69715
Tyler Hipple, Jerilyn Timlin, Robert Johnston, (2019). Quantifying protein loading in individual mesoporous silica nanoparticles Publication ID: 69723
Jacob Caswell, Christina Ting, Christopher Cuellar, Jonathan Bisila, Mengfei Ho, Brenda Wilson, Kelsey Cairns, Jerilyn Timlin, (2019). Automated Recognition of Dual Use Publications Publication ID: 69154
Christina Ting, Jacob Caswell, Christopher Cuellar, Jonathan Bisila, Mengfei Ho, Brenda Wilson, Kelsey Cairns, Jerilyn Timlin, (2019). Automated Recognition of Dual Use Publications Publication ID: 69155
Robert Johnston, Edwin Saada, Joshua Podlevsky, Steven Branda, Jason Harper, Jerilyn Timlin, (2019). Anti-CRISPR Based Platform for Rapid Detection and Quantification of Cas9-RNP Publication ID: 69447
Todd Lane, Jerilyn Timlin, Thomas Reichardt, Kunal Poorey, pamel lane, Autumn Hagerstrand, (2019). A survey of microalgal resistance to algal pond crashes Publication ID: 69297
Dongmei Ye, Dulce Hayes, Danae Maes, Casey Simoes, Leah Appelhans, Michael Kent, Jerilyn Timlin, (2019). Transport of lignin-beakdown products into bacteria and fungi Publication ID: 68303
Jerilyn Timlin, (2019). Direct Measurement of Uptake and Intracellular Accumulation of Lignin Breakdown Products in Fungi and Bacteria Publication ID: 66064
Danae Maes, Meghan Dailey, Stephen Anthony, Bryan Carson, Steven Bradfute, Ian Henderson, Mary Ortner, Jerilyn Timlin, (2019). Potential for Synergistic Effect of Proprietary Autophagy Inducing Molecules in the Treatment of Tuberculosis Publication ID: 66988
Stephen Anthony, Philip Miller, Jerilyn Timlin, Ronen Polsky, (2019). Imaging effectiveness calculator for non-design microscope samples Applied Optics Publication ID: 65323
Jerilyn Timlin, Robert Johnston, Chung Koh, Jason Harper, Kyle Seamon, Christopher Phaneuf, Brooke Harmon, Tyler Eckles, Edwin Saada, Robert Meagher, (2018). Development of Rapid Diagnostic Tools for Detection and Quantification of Cas9 Presence and Activity Publication ID: 60458
Robert Kuether, Brooke Allensworth, Adam Backer, Elton Chen, Remi Dingreville, Eric Forrest, Robert Knepper, Alexander Tappan, Michael Marquez, Jonathan Vasiliauskas, Stephen Rupper, Michael Grant, Lauren Atencio, Tyler Hipple, Danae Maes, Jerilyn Timlin, Tian Ma, Rudy Garcia, Forest Danford, Laura Patrizi, Jennifer Galasso, Timothy Draelos, Thushara Gunda, Otoniel Venezuela, Wesley Brooks, Stephen Anthony, Bryan Carson, Michael Reeves, Matthew Roach, Erin Maines, Judith Lavin, Shaun Whetten, Laura Swiler, (2018). Posters for AA/CE Reception Publication ID: 59884
Jerilyn Timlin, Thomas Reichardt, (2018). Remote Sensing of Algal Growth in Waterways Publication ID: 59077
Robert Johnston, Kyle Seamon, Edwin Saada, Joshua Podlevsky, Steven Branda, Jason Harper, Jerilyn Timlin, (2018). Rapid Electrochemical Detection and Quantification of CRISPR/Cas9 Components Publication ID: 63819
Jason Harper, Robert Johnston, Kyle Seamon, Edwin Saada, Steven Branda, Jerilyn Timlin, (2018). Rapid Electrochemical Detection of CRISPR/Cas9 Components using anti-CRISPR Protein AcrIIA4 as Capture Ligand Publication ID: 63690
Tyler Hipple, Jerilyn Timlin, (2018). Effects of Vampirovibro Chorellavorus on Chlorella Sorokiniana DOE Strain 1044 Publication ID: 62998
Jerilyn Timlin, Victoria Quintana, (2018). Super-Resolution Imaging of Murine Macrophage Cells Publication ID: 63285
Lauren Atencio, Jerilyn Timlin, (2018). Effects of Vampirovibro chlorellavorus on Chlorella sorokiniana DOE 1116 Publication ID: 63032
Corey Hudson, Kelly Williams, Jerilyn Timlin, (2018). CasAnn: Targeted Identification of CRISPR Associated Gene Operons from Next Generation Sequences Publication ID: 62727
Danae Maes, Thomas Reichardt, Travis jensen, Thomas Dempster, John McGowen, Kunal Poorey, Tyler Hipple, Todd Lane, Jerilyn Timlin, (2018). Spectroradiometric Detection of Competitors and Predators in Algal Ponds Publication ID: 62531
Meghan Dailey, Yunlong Zhang, Ran Zhang, Eric Miller, Philip Williams, Jonathan Lindsey, Jerilyn Timlin, (2018). Identification of the localization of tolyporphins unusual tetrapyrroles in a microbial photosynthetic community Publication ID: 62647
Robert Johnston, Jason Harper, Jerilyn Timlin, (2018). Development of an Antibody Based Electrochemical Platform for Cas9 Detection Publication ID: 61138
Meghan Dailey, Dongmei Ye, Kenneth Sale, Danae Maes, Casey Simoes, Leah Appelhans, Dulce Hayes, Michael Kent, Jerilyn Timlin, (2018). Accumulation of lignin-breakdown products in several lignolytic and non-lignolytic bacteria and fungi Publication ID: 60689
Christopher Lino, Jason Harper, James Carney, Jerilyn Timlin, (2018). Delivering crispr: A review of the challenges and approaches Drug Delivery Publication ID: 58931
Corey Hudson, Jerilyn Timlin, Kelly Williams, (2018). CasANN: Targeted Identification of CRISPR Associated Gene Operons from Next Generation Sequences Publication ID: 58783
Jaclyn Murton, Aparna Nagarajan, Amelia Nguyen, Michelle Liberton, Harmony Hancock, Himadri Pakrasi, Jerilyn Timlin, (2017). Population-level coordination of pigment response in individual cyanobacterial cells under altered nitrogen levels Photosynthesis Research Publication ID: 57607
Meghan Dailey, Dongmei Ye, Danae Maes, Casey Simoes, Leah Appelhans, Dulce Hayes, Michael Kent, Jerilyn Timlin, (2017). Accumulation of lignin-breakdown products in several lignolytic and non-lignolytic bacteria and fungi Publication ID: 54322
Erica Majumder, Benjamin Wolf, Haijun Liu, R. Berg, Jerilyn Timlin, Min Chen, Robert Blankenship, (2017). Subcellular pigment distribution is altered under far-red light acclimation in cyanobacteria that contain chlorophyll f Photosynthesis Research Publication ID: 64060
William Severa, Jerilyn Timlin, Suraj Kholwadwala, Conrad James, James Aimone, (2017). Data-driven Feature Sampling for Deep Hyperspectral Classification and Segmentation Publication ID: 53345
Meghan Dailey, Jerilyn Timlin, Benjamin Wolf, (2017). Hyperspectral Confocal Microscopy of FP5 cyanobacteria with varying light conditions Publication ID: 53372
Jerilyn Timlin, Aaron Collins, Thomas Beechem, Maria Shumskaya, Eleanore Wurtzel, (2017). Localizing and Quantifying Carotenoid in Intact Cells and Tissues Publication ID: 57664
Meghan Dailey, Dulce Hayes, Dongmei Ye, Casey Simoes, Leah Appelhans, Danae Maes, Michael Kent, Jerilyn Timlin, (2017). Assimilation of lignin-breakdown products by lignolytic and non-lignolytic bacteria and fungi Publication ID: 57769
Stephen Lee, Jerilyn Timlin, Thomas Reichardt, (2017). Spectroradiometric Monitoring for Creation of Robust Signatures of Pond Infection Publication ID: 57580
Anne Noonan, Amber McBride, Kimberly Butler, Jerilyn Timlin, (2017). Characterizing Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle for Drug Delivery through TIRF and HCF Microscopy Publication ID: 57338
Dorina Sava Gallis, Dorina Sava Gallis, Lauren Rohwer, Lauren Rohwer, M. Rodriguez, M. Rodriguez, Meghan Dailey, Meghan Dailey, Kimberly Butler, Kimberly Butler, Ting Luk, Ting Luk, Jerilyn Timlin, Jerilyn Timlin, Karena Chapman, Karena Chapman, (2017). Multifunctional, Tunable Metal–Organic Framework Materials Platform for Bioimaging Applications [A Multifunctional Tunable MOF Materials Platform for Bio-Imaging Applications] ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces Publication ID: 53845
Curtis Mowry, Matthew Moorman, Adam Pimentel, Jerilyn Timlin, Todd Lane, Carolyn Fisher, Stephen Anthony, Komandoor Achyuthan, (2017). Diagnostic Tools for Measuring Early Chemical Signatures of Algae Pond Crash Publication ID: 56678
Stephen Anthony, Bryan Carson, Jerilyn Timlin, (2017). Hyperspectral Imaging Analysis of Cellular Heterogeneity Between and Across Populations Publication ID: 57046
Craig MacGregor-Chatwin, Melih Sener, Samuel Barnett, Andrew Hitchcock, Meghan Dailey, Karim Maghlaoui, James Barber, Jerilyn Timlin, Klaus Schulten, C. Hunter, (2017). Lateral segregation of photosystem i in cyanobacterial thylakoids Plant Cell Publication ID: 57608
Michael Kent, Xiaoyin Xiao, Nadeya Rader, Casey Simoes, Leah Appelhans, Bryan Carson, Dulce Hayes, Jerilyn Timlin, (2017). Characterizing uptake of lignin breakdwon products into P. chrysosporium and S. cerevisiae Publication ID: 56302
Michael Kent, Meghan Dailey, Dongmei Ye, Casey Simoes, Leah Appelhans, Dulce Hayes, Michael Kent, Jerilyn Timlin, (2017). Characterizing transport of lignin breakdown products into P. chrysosporium E. lignolyticus S. cerevisiae and E. coli Publication ID: 56304
Stephen Anthony, Jerilyn Timlin, (2017). Removing cosmic spikes using a hyperspectral upper-bound spectrum method Applied Spectroscopy Publication ID: 51991
Dorina Sava Gallis, Dorina Sava Gallis, Lauren Rohwer, Lauren Rohwer, M. Rodriguez, M. Rodriguez, Meghan Dailey, Meghan Dailey, Kimberly Butler, Kimberly Butler, Ting Luk, Ting Luk, Jerilyn Timlin, Jerilyn Timlin, Karena Chapman, Karena Chapman, (2017). Multifunctional MOF Materials Platform for Biomedical Applications Publication ID: 55584
Meghan Dailey, Jerilyn Timlin, Danae Maes, Bryan Carson, Stephen Anthony, (2017). Hyperspectral Imaging of Novel Autophagy Drug Combinations for the Treatment of TB Publication ID: 55452
Jerilyn Timlin, Thomas Reichardt, (2017). DISCOVR Q1 Slides:Spectroradiometric monitoring Publication ID: 53007
Matthew Graus, Aaron Neumann, Jerilyn Timlin, (2017). Hyperspectral fluorescence microscopy detects autofluorescent factors that can be exploited as a diagnostic method for Candida species differentiation Journal of Biomedical Optics Publication ID: 50094
Jerilyn Timlin, Meghan Dailey, Bryan Carson, (2016). Biophagy NMSBA Project 2016 Publication ID: 48077
Anne Ruffing, George Bachand, Jerilyn Timlin, Ronald Manginell, Corey Hudson, Kelly Williams, Susan Rempe, C. Brinker, Maryla Olszewska-Wasiolek, Don Hanson, Victoria VanderNoot, (2016). SNL Capabilities for IV&V – DARPA BTO Publication ID: 47973
Meghan Dailey, Jerilyn Timlin, Sam Barnett, (2016). Hyperspectral Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy of E. coli expression clones Publication ID: 47198
Jerilyn Timlin, Thomas Reichardt, Thomas Dempster, John McGowen, Travis jensen, (2016). Spectroradiometric Monitoring for Real-Time Biomass Assessment and Early Detection of Pond Crash Conditions Publication ID: 47347
Jerilyn Timlin, Meghan Dailey, (2016). Hyperspectral Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy of Tolypothrix Publication ID: 52597
Meghan Dailey, Jerilyn Timlin, Yunlong Zhang, (2016). Hyperspectral Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy of TolyporphinA Publication ID: 52396
Jerilyn Timlin, (2016). Analyzing and Understanding of Transporters to Control Lignin Transformation into Fuel – Project Snapshot Publication ID: 52170
Meghan Dailey, Jerilyn Timlin, Benjamin Wolf, Robert Blankenship, (2016). Single cell hyperspectral imaging of R61 cells in high versus low light conditions Publication ID: 51537
Thomas Reichardt, Travis Jensen, Mary Cuevas, Pierre Wensel, Thomas Dempster, John McGowen, Jerilyn Timlin, (2016). Spectroradiometric Monitoring for Early Warning Detection of Pond Crash Conditions Publication ID: 51540
Anne Noonan, Remington Ketchum, Daniel Guildenbecher, Jerilyn Timlin, (2016). Pre-Screening Individual Cells with Digital Holography Publication ID: 51232
Allison Marley, Travis Jensen, Thomas Reichardt, Jerilyn Timlin, (2016). Spectral Characterization of Bacterial Presence in Algal Cultures Publication ID: 51244
Meghan Dailey, Ben Wolf, Jeremy King, Bob Blankenship, Jerilyn Timlin, (2016). Pigment Localization and Dynamics in Individual Cyanobacterial Cells Publication ID: 50684
Jerilyn Timlin, Meghan Dailey, Sam Barnett, (2016). Results from Sam Barnett?s PARC Exchange Visit Publication ID: 49917
Michael Kent, Isaac Avina, Nadeya Rader, Michael Busse, Anthe George, Noppandon Sathitsuksanoh, Nicholas Giron, Jerilyn Timlin, Ronen Polsky, Victor Chavez, Dale Huber, Kenneth Sale, Blake Simmons, (2016). New assay for lignin depolymerization based on lignin films Publication ID: 49119
Thomas Reichardt, Jerilyn Timlin, (2016). Drone-based monitoring Publication ID: 48473
Jerilyn Timlin, (2016). Native Antenna Organization Probed by Hyperspectral Imaging Publication ID: 46604
D. Haaland, H. Jones, Jerilyn Timlin, (2016). Experimental and Data Analytical Approaches to Automating Multivariate Curve Resolution in the Analysis of Hyperspectral Images Data Handling in Science and Technology Publication ID: 42145
Jerilyn Timlin, (2016). Hyperspectral Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy of Chl f Producing Organisms Publication ID: 46840
Jerilyn Timlin, David Haaland, Howland Jones, (2015). Automating Multivariate Curve Resolution for Success Publication ID: 42035
Jerilyn Timlin, Jerilyn Timlin, (2015). Hyperspectral Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy of Fremyella diplosiphon Publication ID: 42047
Matthew Toomey, Aaron Collins, Rikard Frederiksen, M. Cornwall, Jerilyn Timlin, Joseph Corbo, (2015). A complex carotenoid palette tunes avian colour vision Journal of the Royal Society Interface Publication ID: 43696
Jerilyn Timlin, Jackie Murton, (2015). Hyperspectral Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy of Acaryochloris sp. R61 and Acaryochloris marina Publication ID: 45945
Jerilyn Timlin, Jaclyn Murton, Michelle Liberton, Aparna Nagarajan, Harmony Hancock, Amelia Nguyen, Himadri Pakrasi, (2015). Effect of nitrogen starvation on pigment localization and stoichiometry in cyanobacteria [Poster] Publication ID: 46219
Michael Bennett, Jerilyn Timlin, Keith LIdke, David Hanson, (2015). Effects of Reorientation on the Photosynthesis of Poplar Leaves [Poster] Publication ID: 46305
Jennifer Thompson, Jerilyn Timlin, Keith LIdke, David Hanson, (2015). The Effect of Salinity on the Growth rate of Nannochloropsis salina Algae cells [Poster] Publication ID: 46306
Jerilyn Timlin, Matt Graus, (2015). Hyperspectral Imaging of Yeast Autofluorescence Analysis of Clinical Isolates Publication ID: 45802
Jerilyn Timlin, (2015). Results of N Starvation Experiment in Synechocystis 6803 & nblA Mutant Publication ID: 45282
Jerilyn Timlin, (2015). N Starvation in Synechocystis 6803 Experiment Results Publication ID: 44299
Jerilyn Timlin, Stephen Anthony, Aaron Collins, Gabriel Montano, (2015). Supramolecular Energy Transfer in Self-Assembled Biomimetic Polymer Nanocomposites Based upon Green Bacterial Antenna Complexes Publication ID: 44351
Bryan Carson, Jerilyn Timlin, Michael Sinclair, Stephen Anthony, Matthew Moorman, Jaclyn Murton, Kelly Williams, Kunal Poorey, Elisa La Bauve, (2015). Unknown Pathogen Detection in Clinical Samples: A Novel Hyperspectral Imaging and Single Cell Sequencing Approach Publication ID: 43536
Bryan Carson, Jerilyn Timlin, Michael Sinclair, Stephen Anthony, Matthew Moorman, Elisa La Bauve, Jaclyn Murton, Kelly Williams, Kunal Poorey, Howland Jones, (2015). Identification of Unknown Viral Infections by Hyperspectral Cell Sorting and Deep Sequencing Publication ID: 43537
Jerilyn Timlin, John Matteson, Jaclyn Murton, (2015). Host Pathogen Interaction: A study of the pigment response of Chlorella when exposed to Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus (PBCV-1) Publication ID: 43374
Jerilyn Timlin, (2015). The Power of Spectroscopy and Spectral Imaging for Algal Bioscience Publication ID: 43698
Jerilyn Timlin, (2015). Hyperspectral Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy of Synechococcus 7335 Publication ID: 42190
Stephen Anthony, Matthew Moorman, Jerilyn Timlin, (2014). Visualizing Single Molecule Electrochemistry with TIRF Microscopy Publication ID: 39979
Jerilyn Timlin, Robert Blankenship, Haijun Liu, Erica Majumder, (2014). Pigment Localization and Diversity in Chlorophyll f Containing Cyanobacterium Publication ID: 39629
Jerilyn Timlin, (2014). Hyperspectral Imaging for Bioengery Research Publication ID: 39630
Jerilyn Timlin, (2014). Results from October NMEpScor Imaging Publication ID: 38973
Michael Kent, Isaac Avina, Nadeya Rader, Kevin Turner, Anthe George, Jerilyn Timlin, Ronen Polsky, James Ricken, Kenneth Sale, Blake Simmons, (2014). Fuels and Chemicals from Lignocellulosic Biomass: Valorization of Lignin Publication ID: 39261
Jerilyn Timlin, (2014). Hyperspectral Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy of H. Hongdecholoris Publication ID: 39042
Jerilyn Timlin, Thomas Beechem, Anthony McDonald, Matt Toomey, Joseph Corbo, (2014). Results from Analysis of Avian Retina Oil Droplets Publication ID: 38890
Jerilyn Timlin, (2014). Raman Spectra of Plants & Vegetables Publication ID: 39151
Jerilyn Timlin, Michael Sinclair, Stephen Anthony, (2014). Analysis of Live Retina Samples from UNM Publication ID: 38717
Stephen Anthony, Michael Sinclair, Jerilyn Timlin, (2014). Retina Spot Detection Publication ID: 38371
Thomas Reichardt, Jerilyn Timlin, (2014). Spectroradiometric monitoring for open outdoor culturing of algae and cyanobacteria Applied Optics Publication ID: 38245
Thomas Reichardt, Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, Thomas Dempster, John McGowen, (2014). Spectroradiometric Monitoring for Biomass Measurement and Predator Detection in Nannochloropsis sp. Cultures Publication ID: 38282
Jerilyn Timlin, Aysha McClory, David Hanson, (2014). Visualization of photosystem II distribution in encapsulated Chlamydomona reinhardtii under high and low light conditions Publication ID: 38063
Jerilyn Timlin, (2014). Analysis of Hyperspectral Images of Chlamy on Lidke Line Scanner Publication ID: 37913
Jerilyn Timlin, Michael Sinclair, (2014). Analysis of Fixed Retina Samples Publication ID: 37914
Jerilyn Timlin, Keith Thunder, David Hanson, (2014). Subcellular distribution of photosytems in response to high CO2 levels in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Publication ID: 37958
Stephen Anthony, Jerilyn Timlin, Jesse Aaron, (2014). Development of Hyperspectral STED Microscopy for Single-Molecular Cellular Imaging Publication ID: 37786
Bryan Carson, Michael Sinclair, Jerilyn Timlin, Kelly Williams, Kunal Poorey, Anson Hatch, Conrad James, Ryan Davis, Elisa La Bauve, Howland, Jones, (2014). A Novel Approach to Unknown Virus Identification in Clinical Samples Publication ID: 37598
Jerilyn Timlin, (2014). Identifying and Localizing Pigments in Living Cells Publication ID: 37619
Jerilyn Timlin, (2014). Results from Chlamydomonas antenna mutant studies Publication ID: 41137
Jerilyn Timlin, Harmony Hancock, Aaron Collins, Jing Jiang, Robert Blankenship, (2014). Resolving Highly Overlapped Pigment Emissions in Live Symbiodinium with Hyperspectral Imaging and Multivariate Curve Resolution Publication ID: 37355
Bryan Carson, Adrian Schiess, Stephen Anthony, Jerilyn Timlin, (2014). Lipopolysaccharide subtypes differentially affect TLR4 membrane reorganization and signaling Publication ID: 40863
Thomas Reichardt, Jerilyn Timlin, (2014). Spectroradiometric monitoring for the open outdoor culturing of algae and cyanobacteria Applied Optics Publication ID: 39072
Michael Sinclair, Jerilyn Timlin, Kelly Williams, Anson Hatch, Bryan Carson, Ryan Davis, (2014). A Novel Approach to Unknown Virus Identification in Clinical Samples Publication ID: 37206
Michael Sinclair, Jerilyn Timlin, Kelly Williams, Anson Hatch, Ryan Davis, Bryan Carson, (2014). A Novel Approach to Unknown Virus Detection in Clinical Samples Publication ID: 37207
Thomas Reichardt, Jerilyn Timlin, (2014). Spectroradiometric Monitoring of Algal Cultures: From initial field demonstrations to ongoing deployments Publication ID: 37307
Ryan Davis, Howland Jones, Aaron Collins, James Ricken, Michael Sinclair, Jerilyn Timlin, Seema Singh, (2014). Label-free measurement of algal triacylglyceride production using fluorescence hyperspectral imaging Algal Research Publication ID: 33826
Jerilyn Timlin, Stephen Anthony, Bryan Carson, (2014). Analysis of Autophagy Induction in Cells Publication ID: 36809
Jerilyn Timlin, Bryan Carson, Stephen Anthony, (2013). Hyperspectral Imaging Results Biophagy 11-14-2013 Publication ID: 31791
Stephen Anthony, Jerilyn Timlin, Bryan Carson, (2013). Autophagy Analysis 20131126 Publication ID: 31792
Jerilyn Timlin, Stephen Anthony, (2013). Images of Olympus microscope Publication ID: 36515
Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Results from 10-03-2013 Imaging Publication ID: 36186
Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Host cell pigmentation in Scenedesmus dimorphus as a beacon for nascent parasite infection Biotechnology and Bioengineering Publication ID: 36229
Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Carbon capture efficiency in Nannochloropsis salina and implications for the sustainability of algal biofuels Photosynthesis Research Publication ID: 36230
Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). BioAnalytical Spectroscopy and Imaging Capabilities Publication ID: 36091
Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). What Color are Your Chile Peppers?Distinguishing Carotenoids in Living Organisms and Tissue Publication ID: 35842
Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). July Fungal Imaging results Publication ID: 35603
Elisa La Bauve, Bryan Carson, Anson Hatch, Jerilyn Timlin, Michael Sinclair, Kelly Williams, (2013). A Novel Approach to Unknown Virus Identification in Clinical Samples Publication ID: 35697
Jerilyn Timlin, Aaron Collins, (2013). Structural analysis of thylakoid membranes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii lines with altered antenna size Publication ID: 34939
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, Michael Sinclair, (2013). Photosystem segregation in cyanobacterial thylakoids Publication ID: 34940
Aaron Collins, Thomas Reichardt, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Remote Monitoring of Growth and Pigmentation in Algal Cultures Publication ID: 34941
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Analysis of carotenoid lipid droplet and zebra finch retina Publication ID: 34971
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Probing the Consequences of Antenna Truncation in Cyanobacteria Publication ID: 34972
Jerilyn Timlin, Aaron Collins, Anne Ruffing, (2013). Chemical Imaging of Cyanobacteria: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Publication ID: 34974
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Multiple microscopic approaches demonstrate linkage between chromoplast architecture and carotenoid composition in diverse Capsicum annuum fruit The Plant Journal Publication ID: 34987
Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Preliminary Investigations of EtOH Producing Cyanobacteria Publication ID: 35049
Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Preliminary Investigations of EtOH Producing Cyanobacteria Publication ID: 35061
Jerilyn Timlin, Michael Sinclair, Bryan Carson, Kelly Williams, Anson Hatch, (2013). A Novel Approach to Unknown Virus Detection in Clinical Samples Publication ID: 34643
Jerilyn Timlin, Aaron Collins, (2013). Shedding Light on the Global Pigment Localization and Adaptation of Photosystems in Living Organisms Publication ID: 34668
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Protoplast Imaging Results Publication ID: 34309
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Capsicum annuum fruit with distinct carotenoid compositions have distinct chromoplast sizes and shapes Science Publication ID: 34063
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Photosystem Segregation in Cyanobacterial Thylakoids Publication ID: 33866
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Fine-tuning of avian color vision by selective apocarotenoid metabolism Publication ID: 33925
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Probing the Consequences of Antenna Truncation in Cyanobacteria Publication ID: 33974
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). The infection strategy of the chytrid parasite Amoeboaphelidium protococcarum: A destructive pathogen in the production of biofuel Applied and Environmental Microbiology Publication ID: 34028
Jerilyn Timlin, Thomas Reichardt, (2013). Remote Monitoring of Growth and Pigmentation in Algal Cultures Publication ID: 34286
Jerilyn Timlin, Aaron Collins, (2013). CCM function in Nannochloropsis salina: boon benign or bust for algal biofuels? Publication ID: 33796
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Analysis of chicken retina and carotenoid standards with spectral imaging Publication ID: 33591
Thomas Reichardt, Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Spectroradiometric monitoring of open algal cultures Publication ID: 33863
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Probing the consequences of antenna modification in cyanobacteria Photosynthesis Research Publication ID: 33505
Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Potential for Detection of Plant Pathogens using Raman Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Imaging Publication ID: 33130
Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Timlin Expertise Summary Publication ID: 32688
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Summary of Chytrid bulk analysis Publication ID: 32497
Thomas Reichardt, Jerilyn Timlin, Aaron Collins, Howland Jones, (2013). Spectroradiometric Monitoring of Algal Cultures:Translating Technology from the Benchtop to the Raceway Publication ID: 32766
Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Optical Super-Resolution: The Promise for Visualizing Biological Processes at the Nanoscale Publication ID: 31583
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Raman analysis of Maize protoplast Publication ID: 31584
Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Multivariate Spectral Analysis: Unlocking the Power of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Imaging Publication ID: 31630
Elisa La Bauve, Bryan Carson, Howland Jones, Michael Sinclair, Kelly Williams, Anson Hatch, Jerilyn Timlin, Owen Solberg, (2013). A novel approach to unknown pathogen detection in clinical samples Publication ID: 32148
Jerilyn Timlin, Aaron Collins, Howland Jones, Thomas Beechem, Ryan Davis, (2013). Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Carotenoids in Living Cells with Hyperspectral Confocal Raman Microscopy Publication ID: 31233
Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Results – December STMC project Publication ID: 31298
Jerilyn Timlin, Howland Jones, Aaron Collins, Bryan Carson, Elisa La Bauve, (2013). QUANTIFICATION OF MULTIPLE FLUOROPHORES AT THE SINGLE CELL AND SUBCELLULAR LEVEL? Publication ID: 31344
Thomas Reichardt, Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Spectroradiometric Monitoring of Open Algal Cultures Publication ID: 31423
Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2013). Chytrid FD01 infection time course Publication ID: 31458
Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Overview Slides for GRC:Carotenoids session Publication ID: 26634
Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Results – November STMC project Publication ID: 26365
Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Results from STMC Imaging Publication ID: 31132
Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Results from STMC Imaging Publication ID: 31133
Jesse Aaron, Bryan Carson, Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Characterization of differential toll-like receptor responses below the optical diffraction limit Small Publication ID: 25879
Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Overview of Sandia’s Biofuels Programs Publication ID: 30507
Jerilyn Timlin, Bryan Carson, Howland Jones, (2012). Progress Towards Multiplexed Super-Resolution Microscopy Publication ID: 29954
Howland Jones, Michael Sinclair, Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Cellular Characterization of Algal Biomass Acid-Catalyzed Conversion using Hyperspectral Imaging Publication ID: 30213
Howland Jones, Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Chytrid infections of algal cells Publication ID: 30238
Jerilyn Timlin, Aaron Collins, Howland Jones, (2012). The Pyrenoid Paradox Publication ID: 29985
Jerilyn Timlin, Brian Dwyer, Christine Trahan, Omar Garcia, Kylea Parchert, Anne Ruffing, Howland Jones, Thomas Reichardt, Amy Powell, Aaron Collins, Patricia Gharagozloo, (2012). From benchtop to raceway : spectroscopic signatures of dynamic biological processes in algal communities Publication ID: 30300
Jerilyn Timlin, Thomas Reichardt, Aaron Collins, Howland Jones, Patricia Gharagozloo, (2012). Sandia/ Sapphire Collaboration Publication ID: 30102
Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Strategies to Probe and Optimize Light Harvesting and Photosynthetic Productivity in Cyanobacteria Publication ID: 28934
Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Unlocking the Secrets of Plaque Through Optical Super-Resolution Publication ID: 29068
Quinton Smith, Bryan Carson, Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Receptor Reorganization during Immune Response: Visualization at the Nanoscale Publication ID: 29325
Jerilyn Timlin, Quinton Smith, (2012). Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Optimization for Investigation Innate Immune Response Publication ID: 29326
Howland Jones, Jerilyn Timlin, Aaron Collins, Masood Hadi, Dean Dibble, Maureen Kessler, Ryan Davis, Michael Sinclair, Thomas Reichardt, Eizadora Yu, (2012). Cellular Characterization of Algal Biomass using Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging Publication ID: 29333
Jerilyn Timlin, Aaron Collins, Howland Jones, Omar Garcia, (2012). Cyanobacteria Remodel Thylakoid Membrane Architecture Publication ID: 29141
Thomas Reichardt, Aaron Collins, Anne Ruffing, Howland Jones, Brian Dwyer, Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Remote spectroradiometric monitoring of Nannochloropsis salina in a fluidically mixed pond Publication ID: 28497
Maureen Kessler, Howland Jones, Laura Carney, Todd Lane, Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Tracking Early Infection Events of Paramecium bursaria Chlorella Virus with Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Publication ID: 28549
Jerilyn Timlin, Kylea Parchert, Lindsey Hughes, Aaron Collins, Thomas Reichardt, Howland Jones, Amy Powell, Brian Dwyer, Anne Ruffing, (2012). Optimizing Algal Cultivation: An Innovative Multidiscipline and Multiscale Approach Publication ID: 28628
Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Solar energy to biomass conversion: Involvement of LHCII and pigments Publication ID: 28629
Howland Jones, Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Research Overview Publication ID: 27724
Jesse Aaron, Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Advanced Optical Imaging of Endocytosis Publication ID: 27508
Jesse Aaron, Quinton Smith, Bryan Carson, Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Visualizing Early Immune Response: Bacterial Specific Reorganization at the Nanoscale Publication ID: 26894
Howland Jones, Michael Sinclair, Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Light-Harvesting Pigment Distribution in Living Photosynthetic Organisms Determined by Hyperspectral Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Publication ID: 26933
Howland Jones, Jerilyn Timlin, Michael Sinclair, (2012). Advanced Spectroscopic Imaging Techniques in Support of the Biomass Conversion Team Publication ID: 26732
Jerilyn Timlin, Masood Hadi, (2012). Assessing Orthopoxvirus Protein Affinity to Chondroitin Sulfate Using Single Molecule TIRF Analysis Publication ID: 26759
Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Comprehensive engineering of plants for fuel Publication ID: 26789
Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Advanced Imaging for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Disease Publication ID: 25990
Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Summary Slide for PARC Meeting Publication ID: 25779
Aaron Collins, Michelle Liberton, Howland Jones, Omar Garcia, Himadri Pakrasi, Jerilyn Timlin, (2012). Photosynthetic pigment localization and thylakoid membrane morphology are altered in Synechocystis 6803 phycobilisome mutants Plant Physiology Publication ID: 25793
Jerilyn Timlin, (2011). BioAnalytical Spectroscopy and Imaging of Cellular Response Publication ID: 25600
Howland Jones, Aaron Collins, Omar Garcia, Jerilyn Timlin, (2011). Does the algal CO2 concentrating mechanism affect lipid production? Publication ID: 25630
George Bachand, Susan Brozik, Marlene Bachand, Jesse Aaron, Jerilyn Timlin, Komandoor Achyuthan, Paul Kotula, (2011). Biomolecular interactions and responses of human epithelial and macrophage cells to engineered nanomaterials Publication ID: 25648
Howland Jones, Michael Sinclair, David Melgaard, Aaron Collins, Jerilyn Timlin, (2011). Preprocessing Strategies to Improve MCR Analyses of Hyperspectral Images CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS Publication ID: 24930
Jerilyn Timlin, Jesse Aaron, Bryan Carson, (2011). Bioanalytical Imaging of Cell Signaling Events Beyond the Diffraction Limit Publication ID: 24778
Aaron Collins, Howland Jones, Danxiang Han, Qiang Hu, Thomas Beechem, Jerilyn Timlin, (2011). Carotenoid distribution in living cells of haematococcus pluvialis (chlorophyceae) PLoS ONE Publication ID: 22765
Jerilyn Timlin, Aaron Collins, Omar Garcia, Howland Jones, (2011). Structure and Function of Photosynthetic Complexes in Cyanobacteria Revealed by Hyperspectral Confocal Fluorescence & Electron Microscopy Publication ID: 23931
Bryan Carson, Jerilyn Timlin, (2011). Imaging Innate Immune Responses using Dual Color Stochastic Reconstruction Optical Microscopy (STORM) Publication ID: 23991
Anne Ruffing, Aaron Collins, Omar Garcia, Kylea Parchert, Howland Jones, Jerilyn Timlin, Amy Powell, (2011). Programmed cell death-like responses in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Publication ID: 23491
Thomas Reichardt, Omar Garcia, Aaron Collins, Anne Ruffing, Howland Jones, Michelle Aragon, Brian Dwyer, Christine Trahan, Jerilyn Timlin, (2011). Remote spectraradiometric monitoring of Nannochloropsis salina growth Publication ID: 23536
Jerilyn Timlin, Jesse Aaron, Bryan Carson, Michael Kent, (2011). Applications of Super Resolution Microscopy: Imaging Nanoscale Particles and Phenomena Publication ID: 23086
Omar Garcia, Jerilyn Timlin, (2011). Quantitative biochemical characterization of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants with altered antenna size by hyperspectral confocal fluorescence microscopy Publication ID: 23139
Jerilyn Timlin, Howland Jones, Omar Garcia, Michael Sinclair, (2011). Light-harvesting pigment distribution in algae and cyanobacteria determined by hyperspectral confocal fluorescence microscopy Publication ID: 22909
Jerilyn Timlin, Howland Jones, Thomas Beechem, (2011). Resolving carotenoid distribution in living cells of Haematococcus pluvialis with hyperspectral confocal Raman microscopy Publication ID: 22571
Jerilyn Timlin, (2011). The Power of Spectral Imaging for Algal Biofuels Publication ID: 22321
Jesse Aaron, Jerilyn Timlin, Masood Hadi, (2011). Characterization of Orthopoxvirus Protein Affinity to Chondroitin Sulfate Using TIRF Microscopy Publication ID: 22226
Jerilyn Timlin, (2011). Quantitative Biochemcial Characterization of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Mutants with Altered Antenna Size by Hyperspectral Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Publication ID: 22505
Bryan Carson, Jerilyn Timlin, (2011). Imaging Innate Immune Responses using Dual Color Stochastic Reconstruction Optical Microscopy (STORM) Publication ID: 21853
Bryan Carson, Jerilyn Timlin, (2011). Super-Resolution Microscopy Reveals Protein Spatial Reorganization in Early Innate Immune Responses Publication ID: 21854
Anthony Martino, Blake Simmons, Seema Singh, Jerilyn Timlin, Todd Lane, John Hewson, (2011). Sandia Biofuels Overview Publication ID: 22188
Jesse Aaron, Adrienne Greene, Paul Kotula, George Bachand, Jerilyn Timlin, (2011). Advanced optical imaging reveals the dependence of particle geometry on interactions between CdSe quantum dots and immune cells Small Publication ID: 19772
Jerilyn Timlin, Howland Jones, Thomas Beechem, Michael Sinclair, Aaron Collins, (2011). Hyperspectral raman and fluorescence microscopy of individual algal cells for biochemical analysis Publication ID: 21782
Jerilyn Timlin, Bryan Carson, (2011). Super-resolution imaging of TLR4 receptor activation Publication ID: 21581
Jerilyn Timlin, (2011). TIRF-Based Degranulation Assay Update Publication ID: 21402
Jesse Aaron, Jerilyn Timlin, (2010). Advanced Optical Technologies for Imaging Infectious Disease Processes Publication ID: 20936
Howland Jones, Thomas Beechem, Ryan Davis, Anthony McDonald, Jerilyn Timlin, (2010). Hyperspectral raman and fluorescence microscopy of individual algal cells for biochemical analysis Publication ID: 20109
Jerilyn Timlin, Brian Dwyer, Howland Jones, Aaron Collins, Anne Ruffing, Thomas Reichardt, Omar Garcia, James Ricken, Amy Powell, Christine Trahan, (2010). Optimizing Algal Cultivation & Productivity: An Innovative Multidiscipline and Multiscale Approach Publication ID: 20110
Bryan Carson, Jerilyn Timlin, (2010). Super-resolution microscopy reveals protein spatial reorganization in early innate immune responses Publication ID: 20111
Howland Jones, Michael Sinclair, Ting Luk, Aaron Collins, Omar Garcia, David Melgaard, Jerilyn Timlin, Thomas Reichardt, (2010). Hyperspectral imaging of microalgae using two-photon excitation Publication ID: 20406
Jerilyn Timlin, (2010). Algal Biofuels: Promises and Challenges Publication ID: 19971
Thomas Reichardt, Randal Schmitt, Shane Sickafoose, Howland Jones, Jerilyn Timlin, (2010). Fluorescence measurements for evaluating the application of multivariate analysis techniques to optically thick environments Publication ID: 20001
Jerilyn Timlin, Omar Garcia, Michelle Aragon, Amy Powell, Howland Jones, Thomas Reichardt, James Ricken, Christine Trahan, Anne Ruffing, Aaron Collins, Brian Dwyer, (2010). From benchtop to raceway : spectroscopic signatures of dynamic biological processes in algal communities Publication ID: 19578
Bryan Carson, Jerilyn Timlin, (2010). STORM Imaging of Innate Immune System Activation Publication ID: 19374
Jesse Aaron, George Bachand, Paul Kotula, Jerilyn Timlin, (2010). Differential Uptake and Trafficking of Nanoparticles by Living Cells Publication ID: 19285
Bryan Carson, Jerilyn Timlin, (2010). Simultaneous, dual-color STORM imaging at the cellular interface Publication ID: 18839
Jerilyn Timlin, Howland Jones, James Ricken, Jaclyn Murton, Brian Dwyer, Anne Ruffing, Amy Powell, Thomas Reichardt, (2010). Optimizing algal cultivation & productivity : an innovative, multidiscipline, and multiscale approach Publication ID: 17893
Jerilyn Timlin, (2010). Distribution and dynamics of RBL IgE receptors (FceRI) observed quantitatively on planar ligand-presenting surfaces Publication ID: 17407
Jesse Aaron, Jerilyn Timlin, (2009). Optical imaging of CdSe quantum dot uptake and trafficking in live cells for studying toxicology Publication ID: 16946
Jerilyn Timlin, Alan Burns, Jesse Aaron, Bryan Carson, Mark Stevens, (2009). Resolving dynamics of cell signaling via real-time imaging of the immunological synapse Publication ID: 16831
Jerilyn Timlin, (2009). FceRI Membrane Dynamics upon Binding Mobile or Immobile Ligands on Surfaces: Formation of a Mast Cell Synapse Journal of Immunology Publication ID: 16699
Julia Kaiser, Todd Lane, Jerilyn Timlin, Ryan Davis, (2009). Clustering and Subcellular Localization of Components of a Type Six Secretion System in Francisella novicida Journal of Bacteriology Publication ID: 16456
Jerilyn Timlin, (2009). Imaging Adaptive Immune Response in Single Cells using TIRF Microscopy Publication ID: 16489
Michael Sinclair, Howland Jones, David Melgaard, Christopher Stork, Jerilyn Timlin, Ryan Davis, Mark Van Benthem, (2009). Hyperspectral Confocal Fluorescence Microscope System Publication ID: 15809
Jerilyn Timlin, Rachel Noek, Julia Kaiser, Michael Sinclair, Howland Jones, Ryan Davis, Todd Lane, (2008). Accurate measurement of cellular autofluorescence is critical for imaging of host-pathogen interactions Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging – Proceedings of SPIE Publication ID: 12320
Jerilyn Timlin, Mary Tran-Gyamfi, Rajat Sapra, Michael Sinclair, Blake Simmons, (2008). “Trojan Horse” strategy for deconstruction of biomass for biofuels production Publication ID: 14594
Jerilyn Timlin, Gregory Poulter, (2008). Fast Spectral Image Aberration Correction Using Image Transformations and its Performance in Multivariate Spectral Analysis Publication ID: 14289
Rachel Noek, Jerilyn Timlin, Ryan Davis, (2008). Quantum dot (Qdot) labeling of gene expression in fresh frozen brain tissue using high-throughput in situ hybridization Publication ID: 13796
Jerilyn Timlin, Laura Martin, Mary Alam, (2008). Dynamics of Cellular Activation as Revealed by Attenuated Total Reflectance Infrared Spectroscopy Vibrational Spectroscopy Publication ID: 12813
Howland Jones, Jerilyn Timlin, Susan Altman, Clifford Ho, Paul Clem, Michael Sinclair, David Melgaard, David Haaland, Roberto Rebeil, Bryan Carson, (2008). Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging of Biofilms Publication ID: 12491
Jerilyn Timlin, David Haaland, Michael Sinclair, Rachel Noek, (2007). Scanning Microarrays: Current Challenges and Future Directions Publication ID: 9258
Edward Thomas, David Haaland, Jerilyn Timlin, (2007). Statistical Analysis of Microarray Data with Replicated Spots: A Case Study with Synechococcus WH8102 BMC Genomics Publication ID: 9282
Vicki Sutherland, Jerilyn Timlin, Linda Nieman, John Guzowski, Monica Chawla, Paul Worley, Badri Roysam, Bruce McNaughton, Michael Sinclair, Carol Barnes, (2007). Advanced imaging of multiple mRNAs in brain tissue using a custom hyperspectral imager and multivariate curve resolution Journal of Neuroscience Methods Publication ID: 6713
David Haaland, Michael Sinclair, Howland Jones, Jerilyn Timlin, George Bachand, Darryl Sasaki, George Davidson, Mark Van Benthem, (2007). 3D optical sectioning with a new hyperspectral confocal fluorescence imaging system Publication ID: 8768
Linda Nieman, Michael Sinclair, Jerilyn Timlin, Howland Jones, David Haaland, (2006). Hyperspectral imaging system for quantitative identification and discrimination of fluorescent labels in the presence of autofluorescence 2006 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro – Proceedings Publication ID: 6329
Jerilyn Timlin, Rachel Noek, Edward Thomas, (2006). Analysis of Zebra Fish Microarray Data Publication ID: 8534
Michael Sinclair, David Haaland, Jerilyn Timlin, Howland Jones, (2006). Hyperspectral confocal microscope Applied Optics Publication ID: 6545
Jerilyn Timlin, Linda Nieman, Howland Jones, Michael Sinclair, David Haaland, John Guzowski, (2006). Imaging multiple endogenous and exogenous fluorescent species in cells and tissues Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging – Proceedings of SPIE Publication ID: 6604
Howland Jones, Edward Thomas, David Haaland, David Melgaard, Michael Sinclair, Jerilyn Timlin, (2006). Improving multivariate curve resolution analysis performance when applied to fluorescence hyperspectral biological imaging Publication ID: 6574
Jean Faulon, Zhaoduo Zhang, Anthony Martino, Jerilyn Timlin, David Haaland, George Davidson, Elebeoba May, A. Slepoy, (2005). Reverse engineering biological networks :applications in immune responses to bio-toxins Publication ID: 6484
Jerilyn Timlin, Rachel Noek, (2005). Examining microarray slide quality for the EPA using SNL’s hyperspectral microarray scanner Publication ID: 6321
Jerilyn Timlin, Linda Nieman, (2005). Development and integration of Raman imaging capabilities to Sandia National Laboratories hyperspectral fluorescence imaging instrument Publication ID: 6330
Howland Jones, Jerilyn Timlin, David Haaland, (2005). Understanding and correcting for the effects of instrumental artifacts in fluorescence hyperspectral images Publication ID: 4591
David Haaland, Jerilyn Timlin, Michael Sinclair, Mark Van Benthem, M. Martinez, Anthony Aragon, Margaret Werner-Washburne, (2003). Multivariate curve resolution for hyperspectral image analysis: Applications to microarray technology Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering Publication ID: 1782
C. Brinker, Michael Sinclair, Jerilyn Timlin, Joseph Cesarano, C. Brinker, Helen Baca, Jeb Flemming, Darren Dunphy, Susan Brozik, Margaret Werner-Washburne, (2003). Biocompatible self-assembly of nano-materials for Bio-MEMS and insect reconnaissance Publication ID: 2728
George Davidson, Michael Sinclair, Edward Thomas, Margaret Werner-Washburne, George Davidson, Kevin Boyack, Brian Wylie, David Haaland, Jerilyn Timlin, Michael Keenan, (2003). High throughput instruments, methods, and informatics for systems biology Publication ID: 2771
Michael Sinclair, Michael Sinclair, Jerilyn Timlin, David Haaland, Margaret Werner-Washburne, (2003). Design, construction, characterization, and application of a hyperspectral microarray scanner Proposed for publication in Applied Optics. Publication ID: 2356
Grant Heffelfinger, Jean Faulon, Laura Frink, David Haaland, William Hart, Todd Lane, Grant Heffelfinger, Steven Plimpton, Diana Roe, Jerilyn Timlin, Anthony Martino, Mark Rintoul, George Davidson, (2003). Carbon sequestration in Synechococcus Sp.: from molecular machines to hierarchical modeling Proposed for publication in OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology, Vol. 6, No.4, 2002. Publication ID: 1925
Mary Alam, Jerilyn Timlin, Laura Martin, (2000). Spectroscopic Detection of Pathogens Publication ID: 1043
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