Jason Sammon
Member of Technical Staff in Chemistry

Member of Technical Staff in Chemistry
(505) 845-7365
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0892
At Sandia, Jason Sammon’s research concentrates on development of microsensors, micro-gas chromatography, and chemical instrumental analysis. He also researches different methods to collect chemical samples for analysis and develop unique solutions to chemical sampling and analysis issues in various field environments.
Bachelor’s Degree: Biochemistry, New Mexico State University (1999-2003)
Master’s Degree: Biology, New Mexico State University (2003-2006)
While at New Mexico State University, Sammon successfully developed a queriable imagery database for the multitude of images of laevis generated by his research group. He also performed work on image acquisition from various microscopic platforms.
Research Interests
Micro Gas Chromatography
Micro gas chromatography has many uses in national security applications as well as in environmental monitoring and agriculture. Several of the designs for these systems have use with APRA-e ROOTS(Rhizosphere Observations Optimizing Terrestrial Sequestration) project for plant VOC (volatile organic chemical) signature monitoring.
Instrumental Analysis
Research is also being conducted in characterizing VOCs from plants and other biogenic sources for future applications in micro chemical sensors development for the ROOTS project.
Relevant Prior Positions
Most of Sammon’s professional experience is in the field of CBRNE detection testing and evaluation. He has contributed to CBRNE testing events conducted through the Defense Threat Reduction Agency that included the Environmental Protection Agency, Center for Disease Control, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Departments of Defense and Energy.
- Analytical Chemist, State of New Mexico (2006-2010)
- Field Engineer (CBRNE), Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc. (2010-2016)
- Field Engineer (CBRNE), KBRwyle (2016-2017)
Awards, Honors, and Memberships
- Honeywell Corporation Employee Bronze Award (2014)
- Letter of Commendation from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (2013)
- Honeywell Corporation Employee Bronze Award (2011)
- Letter of Commendation from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (2011)
Selected Reports
- Project Final Report: Bio-response Operational Testing and Evaluation (BOTE) Project Phase 1: Decontamination Assessment (2014)
- EPA Study on Bioterrorism Decontamination Techniques