Advanced Simulation and Computing

Taking on the World’s Complex Challenges

Advancing Science Frontiers

Our research is producing new scientific insights about the world in which we live and assists in certifying the safety and reliability of the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile.

Technology Provides the Tools

Growth in data and the software and hardware demands needed for physics-based answers and predictive capabilities are driving technology improvements. We could not achieve the breakthroughs we’re making without these important tools.

Partnerships Accelerate Innovation

Partnerships leverage talent and multiply the effectiveness of our research efforts.

About Us

The Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) program at Sandia provides state-of-the-art computer simulation capabilities as part of NNSA’s mission to extend the lifetime of nuclear weapons in the stockpile without underground testing. While these tools enable scientists and engineers to gain a comprehensive understanding of nuclear weapons, they are also revolutionizing the way in which a large number of innovative products are engineered. In fact, the computing, modeling, and simulation tools developed in the ASC program are leveraged by a variety of other national security programs.

ASC program activities are shared by NNSA’s three defense laboratories, Sandia, Los Alamos, and Lawrence Livermore. Sandia’s contributions and expertise are described on these pages. For more information about the program at NNSA headquarters and the other laboratories, see Related Links on this page.

ASC Mission

The overall mission of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Office of Defense Programs (DP) is to maintain a safe, secure, and effective nuclear weapons stockpile for the United States. Essential to this mission is the Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) program’s high-performance simulation and computing capabilities that inform critical DP stockpile stewardship decisions. The ASC program’s success relies on its ability to provide end users with validated simulation tools. These enable broad and deep knowledge of the individual processes involved in the detonation of a nuclear weapon and provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex interactions among these processes. By continually developing and deploying for NNSA the credible, science-based simulation tools to certify the current and future stockpile, ASC assures confidence in the nation’s nuclear deterrent.

Additional ASC mission information along with the program’s record of accomplishments in computing and the capabilities it enables can be found in the ASC 25 Year Accomplishment Report.