Rita Gonzales

Rita Gonzales, Nuclear Deterrence Modernization and Future Systems Associate Labs Director and Chief Systems Engineer

Chief Engineer for Nuclear Weapons & Associate Laboratories Director,
Nuclear Deterrence Modernization & Stockpile Systems

Rita Gonzales is the Associate Laboratories Director for Sandia National Laboratories’ Nuclear Deterrence Modernization & Stockpile Systems. In this executive role, Rita oversees systems level execution of multiple nuclear weapon modernization programs while serving as the primary Sandia leadership interface with the National Nuclear Security Administration, the Department of Defense and across the Nuclear Security Enterprise for weapon modernization. Rita is also the Chief Engineer for Nuclear Weapons (CENW), responsible for addressing all system stockpile issues that could affect assurance of stockpile safety, surety, and reliability. She is also responsible for the development and readiness of new technologies that address future nuclear stockpile needs.

Before taking on her current leadership position, Rita held a number of executive positions including director of advanced systems and transformation, director of radio frequency and electronic systems, and deputy director of the threat intelligence center at Sandia. Rita also spent 17 years in the microsystems center where she had multiple leadership responsibilities from designing application specific integrated circuits to leading the organization at a senior level. These leadership roles gave Rita the opportunity to impact a multitude of national security programs and build partnerships throughout the national security enterprise.

Rita earned her master’s degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University and her bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from New Mexico State University.

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