Sandia and National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia (NTESS) address the greatest challenges in our communities at our locations in Albuquerque, New Mexico and Livermore, California. Sandia invests its corporate contribution dollars through a competitive grant process in the areas of Family Stability and Educational Success, recognizing that both are critical to a thriving community. Our generous employees contribute funds, donate supplies, and volunteer at non-profits and schools.
Corporate Contributions Grant Program
The purpose of the corporate contributions grants program is to address the greatest challenges facing families in our communities in the areas of family stability and education success. Qualified non-profits may apply during one of our two grant cycles. Cycle 1 opens in January and cycle 2 opens in May.

Community Involvement Report (PDF, 2.2 MB)
Sandia invests $1.4M annually into our local communities.

Corporate Contributions Program 2025 (PDF, 608 KB)
Sandia receives requests for grants on an annual cycle.