Stephen D. Bond
R&D S&E, Computer Science

R&D S&E, Computer Science
(505) 284-9915
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1028
I am an Applied Mathematician in the Computational Multiphysics group within the Center for Computing Research at Sandia National Laboratories. My research interests include:
- Numerical analysis
- Statistical mechanics
- Computational chemistry
- Geometric integration
- Biomolecular modeling
- Multilevel preconditioning
- Adaptive finite elements
- Discontinuous Galerkin (DG)
- Molecular dynamics (MD)
- Continuum models
- Extended magnetohydrodynamics (XMHD)
- Particle-in-cell (PIC) and Direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC)
- Generalized Poisson and Poisson-Boltzmann equations (PBE)
Former Collaborations and Affiliations
- Scientific Computing Group (Department of Computer Science, The University of Illinois)
- Bionumerics Research Group (with Bob Skeel)
Postdoctoral research
- Center for Computational Mathematics (with Michael Holst in Mathematics)
- McCammon Research Group (with J. Andrew McCammon in Chemistry and Biochemistry)
- University of California, San Diego
Ph.D. research
- Ben Leimkuhler’s Research Group
- Brian Laird’s Research Group
- Numerical Analysis Group (Department of Mathematics)
- The University of Kansas
- Burak Aksoylu
- Andrew Baczewski
- Chandrajit Bajaj
- Nathan Baker
- Dan Bolintineanu
- Carlton Brooks
- Jehanzeb Hameed Chaudhry
- Yi Chen
- Yuhui Cheng
- Edwin Chiu
- Seung Whan Chung
- Tim Costa
- Eric Cyr
- Jonathan Freund
- Brian Granzow
- Gary Grest
- Michael Holst
- Gary Huber
- Brian Laird
- Jeremy Lechman
- Rich Lehoucq
- Ben Leimkuhler
- David Littlewood
- Benzhuo Lu
- Hugh MacMillan
- Anirban Mazumdar
- Andy McCammon
- Sean Miller
- John Mitchell
- Martin Nemer
- Luke Olson
- Zoran Radić
- Nate Roberts
- Stephen Rowe
- Tim Ruggles
- Tom Seidl
- Lin Shi
- Leo Silbert
- Stewart Silling
- Bob Skeel
- Yuhua Song
- Jason Suen
- Kaihsu Tai
- Bart van Bloemen Waanders
- Qing Wu
- Cole Yarrington
- Dmytry S. Yershov
- Yizhou Yu
- David Zhang
- Jessica Zhang
- Yongcheng Zhou