Stewart Silling
R&D S&E, Computer Science
R&D S&E, Computer Science
(505) 844-3973
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-MS-1322
My main research interest
Development of peridynamics and its applications.
What is peridynamics?
Peridynamics is a mathematical theory of mechanics that extends classical continuum mechanics to include discrete particles and growing cracks. Its applications include:
- Unguided modeling of fracture in metals and composites.
- Transition from continuous damage to fracture.
- Modeling of long-range forces within a continuous body.
- Atomistic to continuum coupling in a consistent mathematical framework.
Materials and articles on peridynamics

(Photo courtesy R. Brannon)
Some background material (presentation slides)
- General discussion of peridynamics: Unifying the Mechanics of Continua, Cracks, and Particles (2014)
- Fatigue model: Peridynamic Model for Fatigue Cracks (2014)
- Multiscale: Defects and Interfaces in Peridynamics: A Multiscale Approach (2014)
- J-integral: Energy Balance for a Moving Defect in a Peridynamic Solid (2010)
- Local-nonlocal coupling: Variable Length Scale in a Peridynamic Body (2013)
Review article on peridynamics
- Peridynamic theory of solid mechanics (with R. B. Lehoucq) Advances in Applied Mechanics 44 (2010) 73-166. Google books page here. Preprint available here.
First article on peridynamics
- Reformulation of elasticity theory for discontinuities and long-range forces, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 48 (2000) 175-209. Paper.
Tutorial on states (including examples of Frechet derivatives)
- Peridynamic States (2010)
My background
S.B., 1977, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Physics and Nuclear Engineering
M.Eng., 1980, University of California, Berkeley, Nuclear Engineering
Ph.D. 1986, California Institute of Technology, Applied Mechanics
I have been a faculty member at Brown University, a visiting faculty member at the California Institute of Technology, and a Visiting Scholar at the Boeing Company.
I am currently a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, in the Multiscale Science Department, Computing Research Center.