My active professional fields are Computer Science, Mathematics, and Operations Research. I am interested in Optimization, Sampling, Computational Geometry, and Game Theory. My undergrad education includes physics and electrical engineering. Besides my technical background, I have a longstanding interests and some formal education in sociology, history, and economics. The older I get, the more I value the breadth of my liberal arts undergraduate education; I am a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
I like pretty much every quiet outdoor activity. My favorite activities include skiing (mainly cross-country and back-country skiing), bicycling (road or mountain), hiking, canoeing, boogie boarding, swimming, gardening, fishing, bird watching, camping, cooking and eating. I have been a Boy Scout Scoutmaster, soccer coach and soccer referee. That sounds like a lot but my level of activity in these has shifted over the years, and I don’t do them all at once!
My soul finds rest as my body wanders the mountains. I am a member of the New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club.
Indoors, I enjoy long dinner conversations, movies, boardgames, computer strategy games, pinball, and reading stories of adventure and comptemplation. I like box turtles and am part of the Rio Grande Turtle and Tortoise club, a local non-profit that finds good homes for found and rescued turtles.