Maher Salloum
Principal Member of Technical Staff

Principal Member of Technical Staff
(925) 294-2585
Sandia National Laboratories, California
P.O. Box 969
Livermore, CA 94551-0969
My research focuses in thermal and fluid sciences and in uncertainty quantification (UQ) in multiphyics and multiscale simulations. I am interested in the high performance computing aspect of computational engineering and UQ along with their applicability to the emerging exascale architectures.
I am a biomechanical engineer by training. I received my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 2008 at the University of Maryland, Baltimore county. My Ph.D. research focused in multiscale transport phenomena in biological tissues with a focus on magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia for cancer treatment.
Research Interests
- Fault-tolerant algorithm development for large-scale PDE solvers
- Data compression using compressive sensing and wavelets.
- Multi-scale transport phenomena and reactive flows in porous media e.g. metal hydrides.
I am currently the PI of a project funded by Sandia’s Laboratory Directed R & D program.
I publish papers, technical reports as well as release open-source software. You can access them on the left-hand side of this page.
Maher Salloum, Bradley Bon, (2023). Alpert multi-wavelets for functional inverse problems: direct optimization and deep learning International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics Publication ID: 80639
Elaine Rhoades, Jonathan Pegues, Scott Jensen, Constantin Brif, Bradley Jared, Chase Zimmerman, David Saiz, Matthew Roach, Maher Salloum, (2021). Acoustic Signatures in Metal Laser-Powder Bed Fusion Publication ID: 79191
David Robinson, Maher Salloum, Denis Ridzal, Drew Kouri, (2021). Fluid flow control devices with 3D-graded permeability Publication ID: 78357
David Robinson, Maher Salloum, Denis Ridzal, Drew Kouri, (2021). Design of chromatography columns with 3D-graded permeability Publication ID: 77921
David Robinson, Maher Salloum, Denis Ridzal, Drew Kouri, David Saiz, Bradley Jared, (2020). Fluid flow control deviceswith 3D-graded permeability Publication ID: 71569
Maher Salloum, Kyle Karlson, Helena Jin, Judith Brown, Dan Bolintineanu, Kevin Long, (2020). Comparing field data using Alpert multi-wavelets Computational Mechanics Publication ID: 74292
Maher Salloum, David Robinson, Denis Ridzal, Drew Kouri, David Saiz, Bradley Jared, (2020). Fluid Flow Control Devices with Graded Permeability Publication ID: 70765
Maher Salloum, Jackson Mayo, R. Armstrong, (2020). Physics-Based Checksums for Silent-Error Detection in PDE Solvers Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Publication ID: 67250
Maher Salloum, Jackson Mayo, R. Armstrong, (2019). Physics-Based Checksums for Silent-Error Detection in PDE Solvers Publication ID: 70397
Maher Salloum, Jackson Mayo, R. Armstrong, (2019). Physics-Based Checksums for Silent-Error Detection in PDE Solvers Publication ID: 69805
J. Madison, Theron Rodgers, John Mitchell, Hojun Lim, Corbett Battaile, Kyle Karlson, Alyssa Skulborstad, Maher Salloum, (2019). Materials Margins Assurance: Incorporating Material Variability in Simulation Tools and Code Publication ID: 70061
Hemanth Kolla, Keita Teranishi, Jackson Mayo, Maher Salloum, R. Armstrong, (2019). Programming Model Tradeoffs for Global vs Local Recovery: Algorithm Based Fault Tolerance Publication ID: 68988
Maher Salloum, Kyle Karlson, Elizabeth Jones, David Hensinger, (2019). Spatial Error Field Reconstruction using Alpert MultiWavelets Publication ID: 68648
Maher Salloum, Kyle Johnson, Joseph Bishop, Jon Aytac, Daryl Dagel, Bart van Bloemen Waanders, (2019). Adaptive wavelet compression of large additive manufacturing experimental and simulation datasets Computational Mechanics Publication ID: 63054
David Robinson, Christopher Jones, Aidan Higginbotham, Roopjote Atwal, Ryan Nishimoto, Joshua Sugar, Maher Salloum, Farid El Gabaly Marquez, David Benson, John Stickney, Sita Gurung, Patrick Cappillino, (2018). Functionalization of Metal Surfaces using Hydride Intermediates Publication ID: 59143
Maher Salloum, David Robinson, (2018). A Numerical model of exchange chromatography through 3-D lattice structures AIChE Journal Publication ID: 60435
Maher Salloum, Kyle Karlson, (2018). Systematic Comparison of Experimental and Simulation Data Fields using Compressive Alpert Multiwavelets for Model Validation and Calibration Publication ID: 62114
Maher Salloum, Kyle Johnson, Joseph Bishop, Bart van Bloemen Waanders, Kyle Karlson, Steven Beresh, (2018). Alpert Wavelets for Data Analysis: Compression and Optimization Publication ID: 61370
Maher Salloum, Nathan Fabian, David Hensinger, Jina Lee, Elizabeth Allendorf, Ankit Bhagatwala, Myra Blaylock, Jacqueline Chen, J. Templeton, Irina Tezaur, (2018). Optimal Compressed Sensing and Reconstruction of Unstructured Mesh Datasets Data Science and Engineering Publication ID: 57847
Jackson Mayo, R. Armstrong, Geoffrey Hulette, Maher Salloum, Andrew Smith, (2018). Robust Digital Computation in the Physical World Publication ID: 58815
Mohammad Khalil, Jina Lee, Maher Salloum, (2017). Predictive Modeling of Wavelet Coefficients for Physical Processes Publication ID: 57369
Maher Salloum, Jackson Mayo, R. Armstrong, (2017). Programming Constructs for Transparent Silent-Error Mitigation in PDE Solvers Publication ID: 55083
Maher Salloum, David Robinson, (2016). A Numerical Model of Chemically Reacting Flow Through Additively Manufactured 3D Structures Publication ID: 48405
Maher Salloum, David Robinson, (2016). A Numerical Model of Chemically Reacting Flow Through Additively Manufactured 3D Structures Publication ID: 47839
Maher Salloum, Nathan Fabian, David Hensinger, Jina Lee, Elizabeth Allendorf, (2016). Compressed Sensing and Reconstruction of Turbulent Flow Simulations Datasets Publication ID: 50615
Maher Salloum, Jackson Mayo, R. Armstrong, (2016). In-situ mitigation of silent data corruption in PDE solvers FTXS 2016 – Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Fault-Tolerance for HPC at Extreme Scale Publication ID: 49478
Maher Salloum, Jackson Mayo, R. Armstrong, (2016). In-Situ Mitigation of Silent Data Corruption in PDE Solvers Publication ID: 50214
Nathan Fabian, Maher Salloum, David Hensinger, Jina Lee, (2016). Performance Characteristics of Wavelet Compressive Sensing Publication ID: 50150
Maher Salloum, Nathan Fabian, David Hensinger, Jina Lee, J. Templeton, Elizabeth Allendorf, (2016). Compressed Sensing and Reconstruction of Unstructured Mesh Datasets: Optimal Compression Publication ID: 50171
Maher Salloum, David Robinson, (2016). Chemically Reacting Flow Through Additively Manufactured Structures Publication ID: 46722
Francesco Rizzi, Omar Knio, Reese Jones, Helgi Adalsteisson, Habib Najm, Khachik Sargsyan, Maher Salloum, Cosmin Safta, Bert Debusschere, (2015). UQ in Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Forward and Inverse Problem Publication ID: 41880
Janine Bennett, Ali Pinar, C. Seshadhri, David Thompson, Maher Salloum, Ankit Bhagatwala, Jacqueline Chen, (2015). Final Report: Sublinear Algorithms for In-situ and In-transit Data Analysis at Exascale Publication ID: 46057
Maher Salloum, Janine Bennett, Ali Pinar, Ankit Bhagatwala, Jacqueline Chen, (2015). Enabling adaptive scientific workflows via trigger detection Publication ID: 45141
Elizabeth Allendorf, Maher Salloum, (2015). Optimal Unstructured Mesh Data Compression and Reconstruction Using Compressed Sensing Publication ID: 44585
Maher Salloum, Nathan Fabian, David Hensinger, J. Templeton, (2015). Compressed Sensing and Reconstruction of Unstructured Mesh Datasets Publication ID: 44126
Maher Salloum, Khachik Sargsyan, Reese Jones, Francesco Rizzi, Habib Najm, Bert Debusschere, (2015). Quantifying Sampling Noise and Parametric Uncertainty in Coupled Atomistic-Continuum Simulations Publication ID: 43585
Maher Salloum, Khachik Sargsyan, Reese Jones, Francesco Rizzi, Habib Najm, Bert Debusschere, (2014). Quantifying Sampling Noise and Parametric Uncertainty in Atomistic-to-Continuum Simulations using Surrogate Models Publication ID: 39965
David Robinson, Patrick Cappillino, Maher Salloum, Joshua Sugar, Farid El Gabaly Marquez, Leah Sheridan, Kaushik Jagannathan, David Benson, John Stickney, (2014). Atomic-Layer Deposition on Noble Metal Powders Publication ID: 38870
Maher Salloum, Patricia Gharagozloo, (2014). Empirical and physics-based mathematical models of uranium hydride decomposition kinetics with quantified uncertainty Chemical Engineering Science Publication ID: 36735
Maher Salloum, Patricia Gharagozloo, (2013). Empirical and physics based mathematical models of uranium hydride decomposition kinetics with quantified uncertainties Publication ID: 36061
Maher Salloum, Patricia Gharagozloo, (2013). Continuum and Particle Scale Models of Uranium Hydride Decomposition Kinetics Publication ID: 34563
Maher Salloum, J. Templeton, (2013). Inference and Uncertainty Propagation of Atomistically-Informed Continuum Constitutive Laws Part 2: Generalized Continuum Models based on Gaussian Processes International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification Publication ID: 34379
Donn Sederstrom, Patricia Gharagozloo, Maher Salloum, (2013). Aria Modeling of Metal Hydrides Publication ID: 34645
J. Templeton, Maher Salloum, (2013). Continuum Nanoscale Constitutive Laws with Quantified Uncertainty Extracted from Atomistic Simulations Using Bayesian Inference Publication ID: 34458
Maher Salloum, J. Templeton, (2013). Continuum Nanoscale Constitutive Laws with Quantified Uncertainty Extracted from Atomistic Simulations Using Bayesian Inference Publication ID: 34733
Maher Salloum, Patricia Gharagozloo, (2013). Continuum and Particle Scale Models of Uranium Hydride Decomposition Kinetics Publication ID: 34523
Maher Salloum, Andrew Shugard, Patricia Gharagozloo, (2013). A coupled transport and solid mechanics formulation with improved reaction kinetics parameters for modeling oxidation and decomposition in a uranium hydride bed Publication ID: 32495
Maher Salloum, J. Templeton, (2013). Continuum Scale Constitutive Laws with Quantified Uncertainty Extracted from Atomistic Simulations Using Bayesian Inference Publication ID: 32231
Maher Salloum, J. Templeton, (2013). Continuum Scale Constitutive Laws with Quantified Uncertainty Extracted from Atomistic Simulations Using Bayesian Inference Proposed for publication in SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation. Publication ID: 31467
Maher Salloum, Patricia Gharagozloo, Andrew Shugard, (2012). A Coupled Transport and Solid Mechanics Formulation for Modeling Oxidation and Decomposition in a Uranium Hydride Bed Publication ID: 31094
Jonathan Lee, Reese Jones, Andy Kung, Maher Salloum, J. Templeton, Donald Ward, Bryan Wong, (2012). Bridging the gap between atomistic phenomena and continuum behavior in electrochemical energy storage processes Publication ID: 30097
Maher Salloum, Andrew Shugard, Patricia Gharagozloo, (2012). A Coupled Transport and Solid Mechanics Formulation for Modeling Oxidation and Decomposition in a Uranium Hydride Bed Publication ID: 28315
Patricia Gharagozloo, Andrew Shugard, Maher Salloum, (2012). A Multiphysics Numerical Model of Oxidation and Decomposition in a Uranium Hydride Bed Proposed for publication in Chemical Engineering Science. Publication ID: 25976
Maher Salloum, Reese Jones, Khachik Sargsyan, Bert Debusschere, Habib Najm, (2011). Propagating Uncertainty from Simulation Parameters and Sampling Noise through Coupled Atomistic-to-Continuum Systems Publication ID: 25040
Maher Salloum, Khachik Sargsyan, Reese Jones, Bert Debusschere, Habib Najm, Helgi Adalsteinsson, (2011). A Stochastic Multiscale Coupling Scheme to Account for Sampling Noise in Atomistic-to-Continuum Simulations SIAM Journal on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation Publication ID: 24093
Habib Najm, Maher Salloum, Khachik Sargsyan, Reese Jones, Bert Debusschere, Helgi Adalsteinsson, (2011). Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Atomistic-Continuum Models Publication ID: 23193
Maher Salloum, Habib Najm, (2011). Analysis and Reduction of a Simplified Stochastic Chemical System via CSP Publication ID: 22337
Maher Salloum, Khachik Sargsyan, Reese Jones, Bert Debusschere, Habib Najm, Helgi Adalsteinsson, (2011). Stochastic Atomistic-to-Continuum Coupling using Bayesian inference Publication ID: 21810
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