Invited Presentations
- I. Tezaur, A. Mota, C. Alleman, G. Phlipot, C. Wentland, J. Barnett, F. Rizzi. Accelerating mod/sim workflows through hybrid domain decomposition-based models and the Schwarz alternating method. European Seminar on COmputing (ESCO) 2024. Pilsen, CZ. Plenary keynote invited presentation. June 10-14, 2024. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, C. Wentland, F. Rizzi, J. Barnett, A. Mota, A. de Castro, P. Bochev. Rigorous component-based coupling of first-principles and data-driven models. Numerical Analysis of Galerkin ROMs (NA G-ROMs) seminar series. Virtual. April 30, 2024. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides] [Video]
- I. Tezaur, J. Barnett, A. Mota, A. De Castro, P. Kuberry, P. Bochev. Component-based coupling of first-principles and data-driven models. ARIA Workshop on Model Order Reduction, Bordeaux, France. March 8-10, 2023. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, A. Mota, C. Alleman, G. Phlipot, J. Barnett. “The Schwarz alternating method as a means for concurrent multi-scale coupling of conventional and data-driven models”. Department of Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium. University of Nevada, Reno, NV, February 2, 2023. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- D. Bull, K. Peterson, I. Tezaur, L. Shand, L. Swiler. “An Overview of the CLDERA Grand Challenge LDRD Project: Developing a Novel Foundational Approach for Attributing Climate Impacts”, CSRI Summer Seminar Series 2022, Sandia National Laboratories, August 23, 2022. [Abstract] [Bio] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides] [Video]
- J. Frederick, A. Mota, I. Tezaur, C. Choens, D. Bull. “Development of a novel thermo-mechanical model for simulating permafrost demise and Arctic coastal erosion”, Glaciological Seminar, ETH Zurich, April. 28, 2022. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur. “Mathematical Modeling of the Polar Ice Sheets”, Invited Guest Lecture, Department of Mathematics at the Federal University of Parana (UFPR), Brazil, June 22, 2021. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- J. Frederick, A. Mota, I. Tezaur, D. Bull. “Advanced modeling and simulation of Arctic coastal erosion”, Advanced Modeling & Simulation Seminar, University of Texas El Paso, El Paso, TX, May 7, 2021. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur. “My Career as a Computational Scientist at Sandia National Labs”, STEM Career Seminar, School of Science at Casper College, Casper, Wyoming, Apr. 15 2021. [Bio] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides] [Video]
- I. Tezaur. “Computational Methods in Ice Sheet Modeling for Next-Generation Climate Simulations”, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Seminar, College of Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, Feb. 23, 2021. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur. “Computational Methods in Ice Sheet Modeling for Next-Generation Climate Simulations”, Computational & Mathematical Engineering (CME) 500 Seminar: Computational Math in Industry and Beyond, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Feb. 22, 2021. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPTX of slides] [Video]
- A. Mota, I. Tezaur, C. Alleman, G. Phlipot. “The Schwarz alternating method as a means for concurrent multiscale coupling in solid mechanics”. Data-Driven Physics Simulation (DDPS) Seminar, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA. Jan. 7, 2020. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides] [Video]
- I. Tezaur, A. Mota, C. Alleman, G. Phlipot. “Concurrent multiscale coupling in solid mechanics using the Schwarz alternating method”. 2020 Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar (PNWNAS), Online Meeting, Oct. 17, 2020. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides] [Video]
- I. Tezaur. “An overview of the state-of-the-art in computational modeling of ice sheets”, Opponent Presentation during Ph.D. dissertation defense of Cheng Gong, Uppsala University, Uppsala Sweden. Oct. 18, 2019. [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur. “Albany Land-Ice (ALI): A Next-Generation Variable-Resolution Ice Sheet Model Towards Probabilistic Projections of Sea-Level Change”, Scientific Computing Seminar, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. Oct. 17, 2019. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, M. Barone, J. Fike, M. Balajewicz, S. Arunajatesan, B. van Bloemen Waanders, E. Dowell. ” Stability-preserving projection-based model order reduction for compressible flows”, University of California Berkeley / Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Applied Mathematics Seminar, Berkeley, CA, Dec. 6, 2017. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur. “Next-generation modeling and simulation of large-scale ice sheets towards probabilistic sea-level change projections”, University of Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering (MICDE) Seminar, Ann Arbor, MI, Oct. 25, 2017. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, M. Barone, J. Fike, M. Balajewicz, S. Arunajatesan, B. van Bloemen Waanders, E. Dowell. “Approaches for building stable projection-based reduced order models for compressible flow”, Virginia Tech Mathematics Department Colloquium, Blacksburg, VA, May 1, 2017. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur. “Computational Methods in Ice Sheet Modeling for Next-Generation Climate Simulations”, Civil and Environmental Engineering Seminar, Duke University, Durham, NC, November 16, 2015. [Abstract]
- I. Kalashnikova, R. Tezaur, C. Farhat. “The Discontinuous Enrichment Method for Advection-Dominated Transport Phenomena in Computational Fluid Dynamics”. 10th Bay Area Scientific Computing Day (BASCD 2011), Institute for Computational & Mathematical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, May 8, 2011. [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova. “A Discontinuous Enrichment Method for the Solution of the Advection-Diffusion Equation”. Robert J. Melosh Medal Competition for the Best Student Paper on Finite Element Analysis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, April 25, 2008. [Extended Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
Invited Minisymposium Presentations
- I. Tezaur, C. Wentland, I. Moore, E. Parish, A. Gruber, A. Mota. “Domain decomposition-based coupling of intrusive and non-intrusive reduced order models via the Schwarz alternating method”, 15th International Conference on Large-Scale Scientific Computations (LSSC 2025), June 16-20, 2025, Sozopol, Bulgaria. [Abstract]
- J. Frederick, A. Mota, I. Tezaur, D. Bull, E. Bayat. “Assessing permafrost erosion and infrastructure using the Arctic Coastal Erosion (ACE) coupled thermo-mechanical model”. XI International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED 2025), May 26-29, 2025, Villasimius (Sardinia), Italy. [Abstract]
- C. Wentland, F. Rizzi, J. Barnett, I. Tezaur. “Domain decomposition-based coupling of subdomain-local reduced order models (ROMs) in fluid mechanics using the Schwarz alternating method”. 23rd IACM Computational Fluids Conference (CFC) 2025, Mar. 17-20, 2025, Santiago, Chile. [Abstract]
- I. Tezaur, C. Wentland, F. Rizzi, J. Barnett, A. Mota. “Towards adaptive hybrid models via domain decomposition and the Schwarz alternating method”. Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) 2025, Seattle, WA. Jan. 8-11, 2025. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, C. Wentland, F. Rizzi, J. Barnett, A. Mota. “Flexible domain decomposition-based couplings of conventional and data-driven models via the Schwarz alternating method”. 2nd International Joint Meeting co-organized by the Unione Matematica Italiana and the American Mathematical Society (UMI-AMS), Palermo, Italy. July 23-26, 2024. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- J. Frederick, A. Mota, I. Tezaur, C. Choens, D. Bull, E. Bayat. “Development and Calibration of the Arctic Coastal Erosion (ACE) Model, Towards Uncertainty Quantification of Climate Change-Induced Arctic Permafrost Degradation”. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) 2024, Trieste, Italy, Feb. 27-Mar. 1, 2024. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, K. Peterson, A. Powell, J. Jakeman, E. Roesler. “Ensemble design for sensitivity analyses using the Energy Exascale System Model (E3SM)”. Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS23), Bergen, Norway. June 19-22, 2023. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, J. Barnett, A. Mota, C. Wentland, W. Snyder. “Alternating Schwarz-based coupling of conventional and data-driven models”. 10th International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED 2023), Chania, Greece. June 5-7, 2023. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- D. Bull, K. Peterson, I. Tezaur, L. Shand, L. Swiler. “CLDERA: Developing a Novel Foundational Approach for Attributing Localized Source Forcings in the Climate”. Minisymposium Keynote Talk at 22nd IACM Computational Fluids Conference (CFC) 2023, Cannes, France. April 25-28, 2023. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, M. Carlson, J. Watkins, M. Perego, K. Shan, C. Kao, K. Liegeois. “Achieving and maintaining performance and performance portability within the Albany multi-physics code: perspectives and tools”. SIAM Conference on Computational Science & Engineering (CSE) 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Feb. 26 – Mar. 3, 2023. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, Y. Shimizu, A. Mota, J. Barnett. “The Schwarz alternating method for ROM-FOM coupling”. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) 2022,
Yokohama, Japanonline. July 31-Aug. 5, 2022. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides] [Video] - I. Tezaur, K. Peterson, A. Powell, J. Jakeman, E. Roesler. “Global sensitivity analysis using the ultra-low resolution Energy Exascale Earth System Model”. SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE) 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, July 13-15, 2022. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, K. Peterson, A. Powell, J. Jakeman, E. Roesler. “Global sensitivity analysis using the ultra-low resolution Energy Exascale Earth System Model”. European Seminar on COmputing (ESCO) 2022, Pilsen, CZ, June 13-16, 2022. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- P. Lindsay, J. Fike, I. Tezaur, K. Carlberg. “Preconditioned Least-Squares Petrov-Galerkin Reduced Order Models for Solid and Fluid Mechanics Problems”. Mini-symposium Keynote Talk at 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS) 2022, Oslo, Norway, June 5-9, 2022. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, K. Peterson, A. Powell, J. Jakeman, E. Roesler. “Global sensitivity analysis using the ultra-low resolution Energy Exascale Earth System Model”. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) 2022, Atlanta, GA, April 12-15, 2022. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- A. Mota, I. Tezaur, J. Hoy. “The Schwarz alternating method for multi-scale coupling and contact in solid mechanics”. 3rd Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics (PANACM) 2021. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nov. 9-12, 2021. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides] [Video]
- P. Lindsay, J. Fike, K. Carlberg, I. Tezaur. “Preconditioned Least-Squares Petrov-Galerkin reduced order models for fluid and solid mechanics problems”, Mechanistic Machine Learning and Digital Twins for Computational Science, Engineering & Technology (MMLDT-CSET), San Diego, CA. Sept. 26-29, 2021. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- A. Mota, J. Frederick, I. Tezaur, D. Bull. “A thermo-mechanical model of permafrost for the simulation of Arctic coastal erosion”, 16th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM 16), July 25-29, 2021. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- J. Watkins, M. Carlson, I. Tezaur. “Performance portability of the Albany multi-physics finite element code on the road to exascale”, Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) 2020 2021, Zurich, Switzerland. June 29-July 1, 2020 July 5-9 2021. Post-poned due to COVID-19. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur. “Model Reduction at Sandia National Labs”. AIAA SciTech 2021, Technical Panel entitled “Application of Data-Driven Methods to Chemically Reacting Flows”. Online Meeting. Jan. 20, 2021. [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- A. Mota, J. Frederick, C. Choens, D. Bull, I. Tezaur. “Development of a strongly-coupled thermo-mechanical model of permafrost for the simulation of Arctic coastal erosion”, European Seminar on COmputing (ESCO) 2020, Pilsen, Czech Republic Online Meeting. June 8-12, 2020. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides] [Video]
- I. Tezaur, J. Watkins, R. Tuminaro, M. Perego, A. Salinger, S. Price. “Trilinos/Kokkos-based strategy towards achieving a performance portable land-ice model”, Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS) workshop entitled Mathematical Modelling in Glaciology (20w5198), Banff, Alberta, Canada. Jan. 12-17, 2020. [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides] [Video]
- I. Tezaur, A. Salinger, G. Hansen, D. Ibanez. “Albany: a Trilinos-based multi-physics partial differential equation research tool created using the Agile Components code development strategy,” SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) 2019 (featured minisymposium entitled “Multiphysics: Extensible, Composable Algorithms and Software”), Spokane, WA. Feb. 25-Mar. 1, 2019. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides] [Video]
- I. Tezaur, A. Mota, G. Phlipot. “The Schwarz alternating method for dynamic multi-scale coupling in solid mechanics”, World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) 2018, New York, NY, July 22-27, 2018. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, J. Watkins, I. Demeshko. “Towards performance-portability of the Albany/FELIX land-ice solver to new and emerging architectures using Kokkos”, 6th European Seminar on Scientific Computing (ESCO 2018), Pilsen, Czech Republic, June 3-8, 2018. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, J. Watkins, R. Tuminaro, I. Demeshko. “Performance and Performance Portability of the Albany/FELIX Finite Element Land-Ice Solver”, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in Geosciences (GS) 2017, Erlangen, Germany, Sept. 11-14, 2017. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, J. Jakeman, M. Perego, S. Price. “Large-scale deterministic inversion and Bayesian calibration in land-ice modeling”, US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM) 2017, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 17-20, 2017. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, A. Mota, C. Alleman. “The Schwarz alternating method for concurrent multiscale coupling in solid mechanics”, VII International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED 2017), Rhodes Island, Greece, June 12-14, 2017. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, J. Watkins, I. Demeshko. “A Performance-Portable Implementation of the Finite Element Assembly in an Atmosphere and Land-Ice Code using the Kokkos Library”. IACM 19th International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems (FEF 2017), Rome, Italy, April 5-7, 2017. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, A. Mota, C. Alleman. “Continuum-to-continuum concurrent multiscale coupling in solid mechanics via the Schwarz alternating method”. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) 2017, Atlanta, GA, Feb. 27-Mar. 3, 2017. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, M. Balajewicz. “A minimal subspace rotation approach for extreme model reduction in fluid mechanics”, Recent Developments in Numerical Methods for Model Reduction, Paris, France, Nov. 7-10, 2016. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, A. Salinger, M. Perego, R. Tuminaro, S. Price, J. Watkins, G. Hansen. “The Albany/FELIX First-Order Stokes Finite Element Ice Sheet Dynamical Core Built Using Trilinos Software Components: Performance, Next-Generation Capabilities and Validation”, SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Planet Earth 2016, Philadelphia, PA, Sept. 30-Oct. 2, 2016. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, M. Balajewicz. “A minimal subspace rotation approach for obtaining stable & accurate low-order projection-based reduced order models for nonlinear compressible flow”, World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) 2016, Seoul, South Korea, July 25-30, 2016. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, J. Jakeman, M. Eldred, M. Perego, A. Salinger, S. Price, “Towards Uncertainty Quantification in 21st Century Sea-Level Rise Predictions: Efficient Methods for Bayesian Calibration and Forward Propagation of Uncertainty for Land-Ice Models”, SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Lausanne, Switzerland, April 5-8, 2016. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur. “Land-Ice and Atmospheric Modeling at Sandia: the Albany/FELIX and Aeras Solvers”, Center 8300 Climate Kickoff Workshop, Livermore, CA, December 9, 2015. [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, M. Balajewicz. “A minimal subspace rotation approach for stabilizing and fine-tuning projection-based reduced order models for fluid applications”, West Coast ROM Workshop, Livermore, CA, November 19, 2015. [Abstract] [PDF of slides]
- I. Tezaur, A. Salinger, M. Perego, J. Jakeman, M. Eldred, I. Demeshko, R. Tuminaro, S. Price. “Albany/FELIX: A Robust and Scalable Trilinos- Based Finite-Element Ice Flow Dycore Built for Advanced Architectures and Analysis”, International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) 2015, Beijing, China, August 10-14, 2015. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- M. Balajewicz, I. Tezaur. “Stabilization and fine-tuning of projection-based reduced order models for compressible flow via minimal subspace rotation on the Stiefel manifold”, International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) 2015, Beijing, China, August 10-14, 2015. [Abstract] [PDF of slides]
- I. Tezaur, R. Tuminaro, M. Perego, A. Salinger, S. Price. “On the Scalability of the Albany/FELIX First-Order Stokes Approximation Ice Sheet Solver for Large-Scale Simulations of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets”, International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) 2015, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1-3, 2015. [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, B. van Bloemen Waanders, S. Arunajatesan, M. Barone, J. Fike. “Stabilization of Projection-Based Reduced Order Models via Optimization-Based Eigenvalue Reassignment”, 1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics (PANACM) 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 27-29, 2015. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, A. Salinger, M. Perego, R. Tuminaro. “On the Development and Performance of a First Order Stokes Finite Element Ice Sheet Dycore Built Using Trilinos Software Components”, SIAM Conference on Computational Science & Engineering (CS&E) , Salt Lake City, Utah, March 13-18, 2015. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova, J.A. Fike, M.F. Barone, S. Arunajatesan, B. van Bloemen Waanders. “Energy-stable Galerkin Reduced Order Models for Nonlinear Compressible Flow”, World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), Barcelona, Spain, July 20-25, 2014. [Abstract] [PPT of slides] [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova, B.G. van Bloemen Waanders, S. Arunajatesan, M.F. Barone. “Stabilized Projection-Based Reduced Order Models for Uncertainty Quantification”. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (SIAM UQ14), Savannah, GA, Mar. 31-Apr. 3, 2014. [Abstract] [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova, S. Arunajatesan, B. van Bloemen Waanders. “Energy-Stable Galerkin Reduced Order Models for Prediction and Control of Fluid Systems”. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE13), Boston, MA, Feb. 26, 2013. [Abstract] [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova, S. Arunajatesan. “Towards Feedback Control of Compressible Flows Using Galerkin Reduced Order Models”. Second International Workshop on Model Reduction for Parametrized Systems (MoRePaS II), Schloss Reisensburg, Gunzburg,Germany, Oct. 2-5, 2012. [Abstract] [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova, S. Arunajatesan. “A Stable Galerkin Reduced Order Model (ROM) for Compressible Flow”. 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 13, 2012. [PDF of slides]
Contributed/Other Presentations
- I. Tezaur, A. Gruber. “SNL progress highlights: data-driven couplings and preservation of geometric structure in ROM”, M2dt MMICC-3 Center All-Hands meeting, October 25, 2023, Austin, TX. [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- A. Mota, I. Tezaur, D. Koliesnikova, J. Hoy. “The Schwarz alternating method for multiscale contact mechanics”. Congress on Numerical Methods and Engineering (CMN) 2022, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, September 12-14, 2022. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, T. Voth, J. Niederhaus. “An update on XFEM in ALEGRA”. Army Research Lab Project Meeting, Online Meeting, Jan. 11, 2021.
- A. Mota, I. Tezaur, C. Alleman, G. Phlipot. “Concurrent multiscale coupling in solid mechanics using the Schwarz alternating method”. Engineering Sciences Seminar, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA and Albuquerque, NM. Nov. 12, 2020. [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- A. Mota, J. Frederick, C. Choens, D. Bull, I. Tezaur. “Development of a strongly-coupled thermo-mechanical model of permafrost for the simulation of Arctic coastal erosion”, Climate Modeling Seminar, Sandia National Laboratories. June 24, 2020. [PDF of sildes] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, A. Mota, C. Alleman, G. Phlipot. “The Schwarz alternating method for continuum-to-continuum multiscale coupling in solid mechanics”, Albany User Meeting (AUM) 2020, Albuquerque, NM. Jan. 27-28, 2020. [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- T. Voth, I. Tezaur, J. Niederhaus. “XFEM Development in the ALEGRA code”, ALEGRA Winter Workshop 2019, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM. December 10-12, 2019. [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur et al. “Verification and Testing Infrastructure and Demonstrations”, DOE Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) All-Hands Meeting, Crystal City, MD. November 19-21, 2019. [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- A. Mota, I. Tezaur, C. Alleman, G. Phlipot. “The Schwarz alternating method for multiscale coupling in solid mechanics”. Computational Methods in Multi-Scale, Multi-Uncertainty and Multi-Physics Problems (CM4P 2019), Porto, Portugal. July 15-17 2019. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- A. Mota, I. Tezaur, C. Alleman, G. Phlipot. “The Schwarz alternating method for multiscale coupling in solid mechanics”, International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) 2019, Faro, Portugal. June 12-14, 2019. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides] [Video]
- A. Mota, I. Tezaur, C. Alleman, G. Phlipot. “The Schwarz alternating method for multiscale coupling in solid mechanics”, VIII International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED 2019), Sitges, Spain. June 3-5, 2019. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur. “Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) Closure Models for Turbulent Flows”, Data Science Reading Group Seminar, Livermore, CA, May 18, 2017. [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, A. Salinger, M. Perego, R. Tuminaro, J. Jakeman, M. Eldred, J. Watkins, S. Price, I. Demeshko. “The Albany/FELIX Land-Ice Dynamical Core”. 2017 Albany User’s Group Meeting, Livermore, CA, Jan. 17-18, 2017. [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur, M. Balajewicz. “A minimal subspace rotation approach for obtaining stable & accurate low-order projection-based reduced order models for nonlinear compressible flow”, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences & Engineering (ECCOMAS) 2016, Crete, Greece, June 5-10, 2016. [Abstract] [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Tezaur. “Update on Sandia Albany/FELIX First-Order Stokes (FELIX-FO) Solver”, PISCEES Project Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, November 5, 2015. [PDF of slides] [PPT of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova, M. Perego, A. Salinger, R. Tuminaro, S. Price. “Update on the Albany/FELIX First Order Stokes Solver and the CISM-Albany and MPAS-Albany Dycores”, CESM Land Ice Working Group Meeting, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) – Mesa Lab, Boulder, CO, February 2-3, 2015. [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova, J.A. Fike, M.F. Barone, S. Arunajatesan, B. van Bloemen Waanders. “Approaches for Building Stable Projection-Based Reduced Order Models”, Reduced-Order Modeling Workship, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, August 7, 2014. [PPT of slides] [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova, A. Salinger, M. Perego, R. Tuminaro, S. Price. “An Update on the Albany/FELIX First Order Stokes Finite Element Solver and Its Coupling to Land Ice Dycores”, CESM Annual Workshop, Breckenridge, CO, June 16-19, 2014. [Abstract] [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova. Albany/FELIX: A New Parallel, Scalable and Robust First-Order Stokes Ice Sheet Simulation Code”, Technical Seminar, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, July 3, 2014. [Abstract] [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova, A. Salinger, M. Perego, R. Tuminaro, S. Price. “The Albany/FELIX First-Order Stokes Dycore”. CESM Land Ice Working Group Meeting, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) – Mesa Lab, Boulder, CO, Jan. 30-31, 2014. [Abstract] [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova, A. Salinger, M. Perego, R. Tuminaro, J. Jakeman, M. Eldred. “FELIX: the Albany Ice Sheet Modeling Code”. Albany User Group Meeting, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, Jan. 15-16, 2014. [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova , B.G. van Bloemen Waanders, S. Arunajatesan, M.F. Barone. “Stabilization of Galerkin Reduced Order Models (ROMs) for LTI Systems Using Controllers”. SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT13), San Diego, CA, July 9, 2013. [Abstract] [PPT of slides] [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova, A. Salinger, R. Tuminaro. “A new unstructured variable-resolution finite element ice sheet stress-velocity solver within the MPAS/Trilinos FELIX dycore of PISCEES”. CESM Land Ice Working Group Meeting, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) – Mesa Lab, Boulder, CO, Feb. 14, 2013. [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova, R. Tezaur, C. Farhat. “The Discontinuous Enrichment Method for Multi-Scale Fluid Problems”. 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2011), Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 22, 2011. [Abstract] [PDF of slides]
- I. Kalashnikova, M.F. Barone. “Stable and Efficient Galerkin Reduced Order Models for Non-Linear Fluid Flow”. 6th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference, Honolulu, HI, June 27, 2011. [Extended Abstract] [PDF of slides]