- I. Moore, C. Wentland, A. Gruber, I. Tezaur. “Domain decomposition-based coupling of Operator Inference reduced order models via the Schwarz alternating method”, Computer Science Research Institute Summer Proceedings 2024, S. Seritan and B. Reuter, eds., Technical Report SAND 2024-XXXX, Sandia National Laboratories, 2024, pp. XXX-XXX. [ArXiv]
- W. Snyder, I. Tezaur, C. Wentland. “Domain decomposition-based coupling of physics-informed neural networks via the Schwarz alternating method”, Computer Science Research Institute Summer Proceedings 2023, S. Seritan and B. Reuter, eds., Technical Report SAND 2023-13916R, Sandia National Laboratories, 2023, pp. 390-411. [ArXiv] [PDF]
- A. de Castro, P. Kuberry, I. Tezaur, P. Bochev. “A synchronous partitioned scheme for coupled reduced order models based on separate reduced order bases for interface and interior variables”, in Computer Science Research Institute Summer Proceedings 2022,. S. Seritan and J.D. Smith, eds., Technical Report SAND 2022-10280R, Sandia National Laboratories, 2022, pp. 78-92. [HTML] [PDF]
- J. Barnett, I. Tezaur, A. Mota. “The Schwarz alternating method for the seamless coupling of nonlinear reduced order models and full order models”, in Computer Science Research Institute Summer Proceedings 2022, S.K. Seritan and J.D. Smith, eds., Technical Report SAND2022-10280R, Sandia National Laboratories, 2022, pp. 31-55. [HTML] [PDF] [ArXiv]
- J. Niederhaus, S. Bova, J. Carleton, J. Carpenter, K. Cochrane, M. Crockatt, W. Dong, T. Fuller, B. Granzow, D. Ibanez, S. Kennon, C. Luchini, R. Moral, C. O’Brien, M. Powell, A. Robinson, A. Rodriguez, J. Sanchez, A. Scott, C. Siefert, A. Stagg, I. Tezaur, T. Voth. “ALEGRA: Finite Element Modeling for Shock Hydrodynamics and Multiphysics”, Proceedings of the 2022 Hypervelocity Impact Symposium (HVIS 2022), Alexandria, VA (Sept. 2022).
- J. Hoy, I. Tezaur, A. Mota. “The Schwarz alternating method for multiscale contact mechanics”. in Computer Science Research Institute Summer Proceedings 2021, J.D. Smith and E. Galvan, eds., Technical Report SAND2021-0653R, Sandia National Laboratories, 360-378, 2021. [HTML] [PDF]
- M. Carlson, J. Watkins, I. Tezaur. “Improvements to the performance portability of boundary conditions in Albany Land Ice”, in Computer Science Research Institute Summer Proceedings 2020, A.A. Rushdi and M.L. Parks, eds., Technical Report SAND2020-12580R, Sandia National Laboratories, 177-187, 2020. [HTML] [PDF]
- I. Tezaur, A. Salinger, M. Perego, R. Tuminaro. “Component-Based Application Code Development, Part 2: Demonstration on a Land-Ice Model and Proposed Extension to Other Climate Components”, Advancing X-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate Science (AXICCS) 2016, Rockville, MD (Jan. 2016). [PDF]
- A. Salinger, I. Tezaur, M. Perego, and the Albany and Trilinos development teams. “Component-Based Application Code Development, Part 1: The Agile Components Strategy and Albany Code”, Advancing X-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate Science (AXICCS) 2016, Rockville, MD (Jan. 2016). [PDF]
- H. Waisman, J. Bassis, S. Price, R. Tuminaro, I. Tezaur. “A physics based iceberg calving model coupled with a global ice-sheet flow model for accurate assessment of sea level rise”, Advancing X-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate Science (AXICCS) 2016, Rockville, MD (Jan. 2016). [PDF]
- I. Kalashnikova, S. Arunajatesan. “A Stable Galerkin Reduced Order Model (ROM) for Compressible Flow”, WCCM-2012-18407, 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), Sao Paulo, Brazil (July 2012). [PDF]
- I. Kalashnikova, M.F. Barone. “Stable and Efficient Galerkin Reduced Order Models for Non-Linear Fluid Flow”, AIAA-2011-3110, 6th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference, Honolulu, HI (June 2011). [PDF]
- M.F. Barone, D.J. Segalman, H. Thornquist, I. Kalashnikova. “Galerkin Reduced Order Models for Compressible Flow with Structural Interaction”. AIAA-2008-0612 , 46th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV (Jan. 2008). [PDF]