- Awarded a Simons Fellowship to visit the Isaac Newton Institute as part of “Mathematical & Statistical Foundation of Future Data-Driven Engineering” workshop held during winter/spring 2023.
- Presented with a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition “in honor of being named an Honoree of the 2019 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists & Engineers” by Congressman Eric Swalwell (CA-15) (11/2019).
- Nominated for/promoted to full membership of Sigma Xi Scientific Research Honor Society for noteworthy achievements as an original investigator (07/2019).
- Recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) for “developing new, impactful mathematical methods and computer algorithms to enable real-time analysis, control, and decision-making on computationally prohibitive problems relevant to nuclear security mission and climate modeling” (07/2019).
- Sandia National Laboratories’ SPOT award “for leadership and technical vision on maturing Alegra’s XFEM capabilities to better meet our long-term mission needs” (06/2019).
- Sandia National Laboratories’ Employeee Recognition Award (ERA) nomination for Aeras Next-Generation Atmosphere Model Development Team and PISCEES Ice Sheet Modeling Team (03/2016).
- Sandia National Laboratories’ Public Good Innovator Award for Albany 2.0 (08/2014)
- Sandia National Laboratories’ Employee Recognition Award (ERA) for work on Quantum Computed Aided Design (QCAD) (09/2012).
- Sandia National Laboratories’ Early Career Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD): 235K/year, 2 years (06/2012-05/2014).
- National Physical Science Consortium (NPSC) Graduate Fellowship (09/2010-09/2011).
- U.S. Department of Defense National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship (09/2007-08/2010).
- 2008 Robert J. Melosh Medal for Best Paper in Finite Element Analysis (04/2008).