

Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.Ph.D., Computational and Mathematical Engineering (09/2011) Thesis Title: “The Discontinuous Enrichment Method for Multi-Scale Transport Problems” Advisor: Professor Charbel Farhat Cumulative GPA: 4.08/4.00

University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, PA, USA. M.A., Mathematics (05/2006) Thesis Title: “Local Behavior of Harmonic Functions on the Sierpinski Gasket” Advisor: Professor Alexandre Kirillov Cumulative GPA: 4.00/4.00

University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, PA, USA. B.A., Mathematics, minor in Actuarial Mathematics (05/2006) Advisor: Professor Herman Gluck Cumulative GPA: 3.98/4.00, Major GPA: 4.00/4.00