- D. Bull, K. Peterson, I. Tezaur, L. Shand, L. Swiler. CLDERA – CLimate impact: Determining Etiology thRough pAthways. AGU Fall Meeting 2024, Washington, DC, Dec. 9-13, 2024. [PDF] [PPT]
- E. Bayat, D. Bull, J. Frederick, A. Mota, I. Tezaur, B. Jones, E. Bristol, C. Choens, C. Flanary, C. Jones, M. Ward Jones. Sensitivity studies on erosion criteria for the Arctic Coastal Erosion (ACE) model. AGU Fall Meeting 2024, Washington, DC, Dec. 9-13, 2024. [PDF]
- O. Ghattas, K. Willcox, F. Alexander, G. Biros, P. Bochev, M. Gunzburger, P. Heimbach, P. Kuberry, S. Leyffer, H. Lu, Y. Marzouk, X. Qian, I. Tezaur, C. Uhler, N. Urban, R. Ward, K. Yager, B.-J. Yoon. DOE Energy Earthshots Workshop, Rockville, MD. Sept. 4-5, 2024. [PDF]
- J. Watkins, O. Antepara, L. Bertagna, M. Carlson, T. Hillebrand, M. Hoffman, J. Hu, K. Liegeois, M. Perego, S. Price, M. Shephard, C. Smith, I. Tezaur, S. Williams. Performance and Stewardship of E3SM ice-sheet model MALI, SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting, Rockville, MD, July 16-18, 2024. [PDF]
- A. Mota, J. Frederick, I. Tezaur, D. Bull, E. Bayat, C. Choens, B. Jones, C. Flanary. Assessing permafrost demise and infrastructure destabilization using the Arctic Coastal Erosion (ACE) model, European Seminar on COmputing (ESCO) 2024, Pilsen, CZ. June 10-14, 2024. [PDF] [PPT]
- A. Mota, J. Frederick, I. Tezaur, D. Bull, E. Bayat, C. Choens, B. Jones, C. Flanary. Assessing permafrost demise and infrastructure destabilization using the Arctic Coastal Erosion (ACE) model, Los Alamos-Sandia Climate Summit, Los Alamos, NM. May 7, 2024. [PDF] [PPT]
- I. Tezaur, P. Bochev, P. Kuberry, C. Wentland, J. Barnett, A. de Castro, E. Hawkins, J. Owen, E. Huynh. Component-based coupling of first-principles and data-driven models, MMICC-3 All-Hands Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, Jan. 9-10, 2023. [Abstract] [PDF] [PPT]
- I. Tezaur, P. Bochev, P. Kuberry, A. Gruber, C. Eldred, E. Parish, P. Blonigan. Structure-Preserving Model Order Reduction (SP-MOR), MMICC-3 All-Hands Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, Jan. 9-10, 2023. [Abstract] [PDF] [PPT]
- D. Bull, K. Peterson, D. Krofcheck, I. Tezaur, L. Shand, L. Swiler, H. Brown, B. Wagman, T. Ehrmann, B. Hillman, J. Li, C. Wentland. Multi-step attribution – the bridge to enable climate security. AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 11-15, 2023. [PDF]
- I. Tezaur, Joshua Barnett, Alejandro Mota, Amy De Castro, Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, Chris Wentland. Component-Based Coupling of First-Principles & Data-Driven Models. Isaac Newton Institute Workshop on Computational Challenges and Emerging Tools (held as part of “The mathematical & statistical foundation of future & data-driven engineering” program), Cambridge, UK, April 24-28, 2023. [PDF] [PPT]
- D. Bull, K. Peterson, L. Swiler, L. Shand, I. Tezaur. CLDERA – CLimate impact: Determining Etiology thRough pAthways. Analytics for Climate and Earth Sciences (ACES) Community of Practice (ACES) Earth Day, April 20, 2023. [PDF] [PPT]
- M. Peterson, M. Brown, I. Tezaur, D. Bull. Pathway Detection using Random Forest Regressor Feature Importances. Sandia National Laboratories Computing & Information Sciences (CIS) External Review Board (ERB) Poster Presentation, Albuquerque, NM, March 28-30, 2023. [PDF] [PPT]
- W. Davis, H. Kolla, I. Tezaur, M. Carlson. In-Situ Machine Learning for Intelligent Data Capture. Sandia National Laboratories Computing & Information Sciences (CIS) External Review Board (ERB) Poster Presentation, Albuquerque, NM, March 28-30, 2023. [PDF] [PPT]
- D. Bull, K. Peterson, L. Swiler, L. Shand, I. Tezaur. CLDERA – Climate impact: Determining Etiology thRough pAthways. AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL, Dec. 12-16, 2022. [PDF] [PPT]
- J. Frederick, D. Bull, A. Mota, I. Tezaur, B. Jones, E. Bristol, C. Choens, C. Flanary, C. Jones, M. Ward Jones. “Demonstration of the ACE (Arctic Coastal Erosion) model at Drew Point, AK during a permafrost bluff block collapse event in summer 2018. AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL, Dec. 12-16, 2022. [PDF]
- A.J. Powell, E.L. Roesler, W.L. Davis IV, I. Tezaur, K. Peterson. “Exploring the Use of Ultra-Low Resolution E3SM Simulations to Predict Sea Ice – Free Summers, and to Elucidate the Role of Arctic Sea Ice in Polar Amplification”, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 9-13, 2019. [PDF]
- M. Perego, L. Bertagna, D. Martin, S. Price, M. Hoffman, I. Tezaur, J. Watkins, J. Jakeman. “Probabilistic Sea-Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models 3: Performance, Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification”, SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting, Rockville, MD (July 2019). [PDF] [PPT]
- M. Perego, L. Bertagna, D. Martin, S. Price, M. Hoffman, I. Tezaur. “Probabilistic Sea-Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models 1: Ice Sheet Model Development and Applications”, SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting, Rockville, MD (July 2018). [PDF] [PPT]
- M. Perego, J. Jakeman, I. Tezaur, K. Evans, J. Kennedy, S. Price. “Probabilistic Sea-Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models 2: Ice Sheet Model Optimization, V&V, and UQ”, SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting, Rockville, MD (July 2018). [PDF] [PPT]
- J. Fike, I. Tezaur, K. Carlberg, M. Barone. “Reduced-order Modeling of Compressible Cavity Flows”, Engineering Sciences External Review, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (Apr. 2018). [PDF]
- A. Mota, I. Tezaur, C. Alleman. “The Schwarz alternating method for concurrent multiscale coupling in solid mechanics”, SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (SIAM PP) 2018, Tokyo, Japan (March 2018). [Abstract] [PDF] [PPT]
- L. Bertagna, M. Deakin, O. Guba, D. Sunderland, A. Salinger, I. Tezaur. “C++/Kokkos Refactor of the HOMME Dycore: CMDV Software”, ACME All-Hands Meeting, Potomac, MD (June 2017). [PDF]
- W. Spotz, I. Tezaur, P. Bosler, J. Fike, O. Guba, T. Smith, J. Watkins, I. Demeshko. “A Performance Portable, High-Resolution Global Atmosphere Model”. American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Dec. 2016). [PDF]
- I. Tezaur, A. Salinger, M. Perego, R. Tuminaro. “Component-Based Application Code Development, Part 2: Demonstration on a Land-Ice Model and Proposed Extension to Other Climate Components”. Advancing X-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate Science (AXICCS) 2016, Rockville, MD (Sept. 2016). [PDF]
- A. Salinger, I. Tezaur, M. Perego, and the Albany and Trilinos code teams. “Component-Based Application Code Development, Part 1: The Agile Components Strategy and Albany Code”. Advancing X-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate Science (AXICCS) 2016, Rockville, MD (Sept. 2016). [PDF]
- R. Tuminaro, M. Perego, I. Tezaur, A. Salinger, S. Price. “A scalable solver algorithm to enable sea-level rise prediction using Agile Components”. CIS External Review, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (June 2016).
- M. Hoffman, M. Perego, S. Price, W. Lipscomb, A. Salinger, I. Tezaur, R. Tuminaro, D. Martin, D. Jacobsen. “Simulating marine ice sheet dynamics in MPAS Land Ice”. ACME 2016 All-Hands Meeting (June 2016). [PDF]
- M. Hoffman, S. Price, I Howat, J. Bonin, D. Chambers, J. Guerber, I. Tezaur, J. Kennedy, J. Lenaerts, W. Lipscomb, T. Neumann, S. Nowicki, M. Perego, J. Saba, A. Salinger. “Validation of Modelled Ice Dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet using Historical Forcing”. 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Dec. 2015). [PDF]
- I. Tezaur, M. Perego, R. Tuminaro, A. Salinger, J. Jakeman, M. Eldred, L. Ju, T. Zhang, M. Gunzburger, S. Price. “Progress on the PISCEES FELIX Ice Sheet Dynamical Cores”. SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting , Hyatt Regency Bethesda, Bethesda, MD (July 2015). [PDF]
- C. Jackson, J. Jakeman, I. Tezaur, S. Price, M. Eldred, P. Heimeback, M. Perego, A. Salinger, G. Stadler. “PISCEES: Ice Sheet Model Experiments for Evaluating Sea Level Rise”. SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting, Hyatt Regency Bethesda, Bethesda, MD (July 2015). [PDF]
- A. Salinger, A. Bradley, I. Demeshko, G. Hansen, M. Perego, E. Phipps, I. Tezaur, R. Tuminaro, B. Granzow, D. Ibanez, M. Shephard. “Albany: Integrating Algorithmic Components to Build Advanced Applications”. SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting , Hyatt Regency Bethesda, Bethesda, MD (July 2015). [PDF]
- I. Kalashnikova, D. Martin, S. Price. “Ice sheet dynamical core development for PISCEES”. SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting, Hilton Executive Meeting Center, Rockville, MD (July 2013). [PDF]
- A.G. Salinger, I. Kalashnikova, M. Perego, R.S. Tuminaro, M.S. Eldred, J.D. Jakeman. “Rapid development of an ice sheet climate application using the component-based approach”. CIS External Review, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (May 2013). [PDF]
- I. Kalashnikova, C. Farhat, R. Tezaur. “Recent extensions of the discontinuous enrichment method (DEM) to advection-dominated fluid mechanics problems”. 10th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USACM), Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (July 2009). [PDF]