
  1. D. Bull, K. Peterson, I. Tezaur, L. Shand, L. Swiler. CLDERA – CLimate impact: Determining Etiology thRough pAthways. AGU Fall Meeting 2024, Washington, DC, Dec. 9-13, 2024. [PDF] [PPT]
  2. E. Bayat, D. Bull, J. Frederick, A. Mota, I. Tezaur, B. Jones, E. Bristol, C. Choens, C. Flanary, C. Jones, M. Ward Jones. Sensitivity studies on erosion criteria for the Arctic Coastal Erosion (ACE) model. AGU Fall Meeting 2024, Washington, DC, Dec. 9-13, 2024. [PDF]
  3. O. Ghattas, K. Willcox, F. Alexander, G. Biros, P. Bochev, M. Gunzburger, P. Heimbach, P. Kuberry, S. Leyffer, H. Lu, Y. Marzouk, X. Qian, I. Tezaur, C. Uhler, N. Urban, R. Ward, K. Yager, B.-J. Yoon. DOE Energy Earthshots Workshop, Rockville, MD. Sept. 4-5, 2024. [PDF]
  4. J. Watkins, O. Antepara, L. Bertagna, M. Carlson, T. Hillebrand, M. Hoffman, J. Hu, K. Liegeois, M. Perego, S. Price, M. Shephard, C. Smith, I. Tezaur, S. Williams. Performance and Stewardship of E3SM ice-sheet model MALI, SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting, Rockville, MD, July 16-18, 2024. [PDF]
  5. A. Mota, J. Frederick, I. Tezaur, D. Bull, E. Bayat, C. Choens, B. Jones, C. Flanary. Assessing permafrost demise and infrastructure destabilization using the Arctic Coastal Erosion (ACE) model, European Seminar on COmputing (ESCO) 2024, Pilsen, CZ. June 10-14, 2024. [PDF] [PPT]
  6. A. Mota, J. Frederick, I. Tezaur, D. Bull, E. Bayat, C. Choens, B. Jones, C. Flanary. Assessing permafrost demise and infrastructure destabilization using the Arctic Coastal Erosion (ACE) model, Los Alamos-Sandia Climate Summit, Los Alamos, NM. May 7, 2024. [PDF] [PPT]
  7. I. Tezaur, P. Bochev, P. Kuberry, C. Wentland, J. Barnett, A. de Castro, E. Hawkins, J. Owen, E. Huynh. Component-based coupling of first-principles and data-driven models, MMICC-3 All-Hands Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, Jan. 9-10, 2023. [Abstract] [PDF] [PPT]
  8. I. Tezaur, P. Bochev, P. Kuberry, A. Gruber, C. Eldred, E. Parish, P. Blonigan. Structure-Preserving Model Order Reduction (SP-MOR), MMICC-3 All-Hands Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, Jan. 9-10, 2023. [Abstract] [PDF] [PPT]
  9. D. Bull, K. Peterson, D. Krofcheck, I. Tezaur, L. Shand, L. Swiler, H. Brown, B. Wagman, T. Ehrmann, B. Hillman, J. Li, C. Wentland. Multi-step attribution – the bridge to enable climate security. AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 11-15, 2023. [PDF]
  10. I. Tezaur, Joshua Barnett, Alejandro Mota, Amy De Castro, Paul Kuberry, Pavel Bochev, Chris Wentland. Component-Based Coupling of First-Principles & Data-Driven Models. Isaac Newton Institute Workshop on Computational Challenges and Emerging Tools (held as part of “The mathematical & statistical foundation of future & data-driven engineering” program), Cambridge, UK, April 24-28, 2023. [PDF] [PPT]
  11. D. Bull, K. Peterson, L. Swiler, L. Shand, I. Tezaur. CLDERA – CLimate impact:   Determining Etiology thRough pAthways. Analytics for Climate and Earth Sciences (ACES) Community of Practice (ACES) Earth Day, April 20, 2023. [PDF] [PPT]
  12. M. Peterson, M. Brown, I. Tezaur, D. Bull. Pathway Detection using Random Forest Regressor Feature Importances. Sandia National Laboratories Computing & Information Sciences (CIS) External Review Board (ERB) Poster Presentation, Albuquerque, NM, March 28-30, 2023. [PDF] [PPT]
  13. W. Davis, H. Kolla, I. Tezaur, M. Carlson. In-Situ Machine Learning for Intelligent Data Capture. Sandia National Laboratories Computing & Information Sciences (CIS) External Review Board (ERB) Poster Presentation, Albuquerque, NM, March 28-30, 2023. [PDF] [PPT]
  14. D. Bull, K. Peterson, L. Swiler, L. Shand, I. Tezaur. CLDERA – Climate impact: Determining Etiology thRough pAthways. AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL, Dec. 12-16, 2022. [PDF] [PPT]
  15. J. Frederick, D. Bull, A. Mota, I. Tezaur, B. Jones, E. Bristol, C. Choens, C. Flanary, C. Jones, M. Ward Jones. “Demonstration of the ACE (Arctic Coastal Erosion) model at Drew Point, AK during a permafrost bluff block collapse event in summer 2018. AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL, Dec. 12-16, 2022. [PDF]
  16. A.J. Powell, E.L. Roesler, W.L. Davis IV, I. Tezaur, K. Peterson.  “Exploring the Use of Ultra-Low Resolution E3SM Simulations to Predict Sea Ice – Free Summers, and to Elucidate the Role of Arctic Sea Ice in Polar Amplification”, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 9-13, 2019. [PDF]
  17. M. Perego, L. Bertagna, D. Martin, S. Price, M. Hoffman, I. Tezaur, J. Watkins, J. Jakeman. “Probabilistic Sea-Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models 3: Performance, Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification”, SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting, Rockville, MD (July 2019).  [PDF] [PPT]
  18. M. Perego, L. Bertagna, D. Martin, S. Price, M. Hoffman, I. Tezaur.  “Probabilistic Sea-Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models 1: Ice Sheet Model Development and Applications”, SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting, Rockville, MD (July 2018).  [PDF] [PPT]
  19. M. Perego, J. Jakeman, I. Tezaur, K. Evans, J. Kennedy, S. Price.  “Probabilistic Sea-Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models 2: Ice Sheet Model Optimization, V&V, and UQ”, SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting, Rockville, MD (July 2018).  [PDF] [PPT]
  20. J. Fike, I. Tezaur, K. Carlberg, M. Barone.  “Reduced-order Modeling of Compressible Cavity Flows”, Engineering Sciences External Review, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (Apr. 2018).  [PDF]
  21. A. Mota, I. Tezaur, C. Alleman.  “The Schwarz alternating method for concurrent multiscale coupling in solid mechanics”, SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (SIAM PP) 2018, Tokyo, Japan (March 2018). [Abstract] [PDF] [PPT]
  22. L. Bertagna, M. Deakin, O. Guba, D. Sunderland, A. Salinger, I. Tezaur. “C++/Kokkos Refactor of the HOMME Dycore: CMDV Software”, ACME All-Hands Meeting, Potomac, MD (June 2017). [PDF]
  23. W. Spotz, I. Tezaur, P. Bosler, J. Fike, O. Guba, T. Smith, J. Watkins, I. Demeshko. “A Performance Portable, High-Resolution Global Atmosphere Model”. American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Dec. 2016). [PDF]
  24. I. Tezaur, A. Salinger, M. Perego, R. Tuminaro. “Component-Based Application Code Development, Part 2: Demonstration on a Land-Ice Model and Proposed Extension to Other Climate Components”. Advancing X-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate Science (AXICCS) 2016, Rockville, MD (Sept. 2016). [PDF]
  25. A. Salinger, I. Tezaur, M. Perego, and the Albany and Trilinos code teams. “Component-Based Application Code Development, Part 1: The Agile Components Strategy and Albany Code”. Advancing X-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate Science (AXICCS) 2016, Rockville, MD (Sept. 2016). [PDF]
  26. R. Tuminaro, M. Perego, I. Tezaur, A. Salinger, S. Price. “A scalable solver algorithm to enable sea-level rise prediction using Agile Components”. CIS External Review, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (June 2016).
  27. M. Hoffman, M. Perego, S. Price, W. Lipscomb, A. Salinger, I. Tezaur, R. Tuminaro, D. Martin, D. Jacobsen. “Simulating marine ice sheet dynamics in MPAS Land Ice”. ACME 2016 All-Hands Meeting (June 2016). [PDF]
  28. M. Hoffman, S. Price, I Howat, J. Bonin, D. Chambers, J. Guerber, I. Tezaur, J. Kennedy, J. Lenaerts, W. Lipscomb, T. Neumann, S. Nowicki, M. Perego, J. Saba, A. Salinger. “Validation of Modelled Ice Dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet using Historical Forcing”. 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (Dec. 2015). [PDF]
  29. I. Tezaur, M. Perego, R. Tuminaro, A. Salinger, J. Jakeman, M. Eldred, L. Ju, T. Zhang, M. Gunzburger, S. Price. “Progress on the PISCEES FELIX Ice Sheet Dynamical Cores”. SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting , Hyatt Regency Bethesda, Bethesda, MD (July 2015). [PDF]
  30. C. Jackson, J. Jakeman, I. Tezaur, S. Price, M. Eldred, P. Heimeback, M. Perego, A. Salinger, G. Stadler. “PISCEES: Ice Sheet Model Experiments for Evaluating Sea Level Rise”. SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting, Hyatt Regency Bethesda, Bethesda, MD (July 2015). [PDF]
  31. A. Salinger, A. Bradley, I. Demeshko, G. Hansen, M. Perego, E. Phipps, I. Tezaur, R. Tuminaro, B. Granzow, D. Ibanez, M. Shephard. “Albany: Integrating Algorithmic Components to Build Advanced Applications”. SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting , Hyatt Regency Bethesda, Bethesda, MD (July 2015). [PDF]
  32. I. Kalashnikova, D. Martin, S. Price. “Ice sheet dynamical core development for PISCEES”. SciDAC Principal Investigator Meeting, Hilton Executive Meeting Center, Rockville, MD (July 2013). [PDF]
  33. A.G. Salinger, I. Kalashnikova, M. Perego, R.S. Tuminaro, M.S. Eldred, J.D. Jakeman. “Rapid development of an ice sheet climate application using the component-based approach”. CIS External Review, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (May 2013). [PDF]
  34. I. Kalashnikova, C. Farhat, R. Tezaur. “Recent extensions of the discontinuous enrichment method (DEM) to advection-dominated fluid mechanics problems”. 10th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USACM), Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (July 2009). [PDF]