Chris Siefert
R&D S&E, Computer Science

R&D S&E, Computer Science
(505) 844-4696
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1322
Ph.D., University of Illinois, Computer Science w/ Computational Science & Engineering Option. |
B.S., College of William and Mary, Computer Science and Mathematics. |
I have an Erdös number of 4 at least four different ways (Me->M.W.Trosset->R.Tapia->M.Golumb->P. Erdös, Me->P.Bochev->M.Gunzburger->V.Faber->P. Erdös, Me->R.Tuminaro->H.Thornquist->V.Faber->P. Erdös, Me-> Sturler->J.Liesen->V.Faber->P. Erdös)
I’m a researcher in scientific computing (does that make me a scientific computer?), currently residing at Sandia National Laboratories. My research interests focus primarily on:
- Linear solvers, especially algebraic multigrid,
- Numerical methods and advanced (read: multicore) architectures,
- Scalable algorithms,
- Preconditioners for saddle-point problems,
- Derivative-free optimization.
As I said above, I’m a UIUC/CS alum, having worked under Eric de Sturler. At my undergraduate institution, the College of William and Mary, I worked with Virginia Torczon and Michael Trosset. Having finished a LTE (read: postdoc) with Ray Tuminaro, in the Scalable Algorithms group at Sandia National Labs, I’ve moved on to the Computational Shock and Multiphysics group as a Senior Member of the Technical Staff. I still work with Ray Tuminaro, as well as Jonathan Hu, Allen Robinson, Chris Garasi and a whole host of other interesting folk.