Ali Pinar
R&D S&E, Cybersecurity

I work on various applications that involve graphs. Recently I have been working on modeling large scale graphs such as those of social networks, cyber networks. I have been also looking at power systems with focus on vulnerability analysis , and resilient network design. My early work was on traditional applications of combinatorial scientific computing such as sparse matrix computations and parallel computing, where the combinatorial algorithms work on the back stage to play an enabling role. Recently, I have started looking at areas where combinatorial problems are directly associated with scientific and engineering goals.
Before joining Sandia, I worked at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory between Oct 2001 and Oct 2008. And before that I received my PhD. in Computer science with the option of computational science and engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (1997–2001), my M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science from Bilkent University, Turkey, in 1994 and 1996, respectively.
For more information about my work, you can look at my CV.
Recent Activities
- I am now a distinguished member of ACM (Class of 2015)
- Our paper “Diamond Sampling for Approximate Maximum All-pairs Dot-product (MAD) Search” won the Best Papeer Prize at ICDM 2015.
- Our paper “Finding the Hierarchy of Dense Subgraphs using Nucleus Decompositions” was a finalist for the Best Paper Prize at WWW 2015.
- SIAM workshop on Network Science was in Boston, Massachusetts, on July 15-16 2016, co-located with the SIAM Annual Meeting.
- I am a co-author of the paper “A space efficient streaming algorithm for triangle counting using the birthday paradox,” the Best Student Paper award at KDD 2013. You can read it here.
- Our paper entitled “Triadic Measures on Graphs: The Power of Wedge Sampling,” has won the best research paper award at SIAM Int. Conf. Data Mining. You can read it here.
- I am on the editorial boards of SIAM J. Scientific Computing , SIAM News and Journal on Complex Networks. Please consider submitting your papers.
- I am a member of the technical program committee for
- 2015 Supercomputing (SC’15), Austin , TX, November 2015.
- WWW 16, Montreal , Canada
- ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining , San Francisco, California, August, 2016.
I have contributed to the the following software packages.
- FEASTPACK: MATLAB and C codes for graph analysis, including improved BTER code for graph generation and our wedge sampling technique for triangle counting.
- BTER MATLAB code for generative graph model described in this paper.
- graphMC generates a uniformly random graph from among all graphs with a specified degree distribution or joint degree distribution by rewiring edges. Rewiring algorithm for joint degree distributions is described here, and convergence analysis.
- Chains on chains partitioning provides implementation of our algorithms for 1D load balancing. Original algorithms for homogenous systems are described in this paper, which are later generalized for heterogenous systems here.
- SST/Macro provides a coarse simulator for full-scale computers.