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Meshing Contest

The International Meshing Roundtable steering committee is hosting a meshing contest. To enter, participants must generate a mesh for one of the two models chosen by the committee, which this year are a CAD model of electric guitar and 3D images of an abdominal atlas.

The first model is supplied in the following formats: ACIS, Parasolid and STEP

The second model, called the SPL Abdominal Atlas, is provided by the Surgical Planning Laboratory at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School. The atlas was derived from a computed tomography (CT) scan, using semi-automated image segmentation and three-dimensional reconstruction techniques. You can download it in nrrd and mrml formats at:

Contest Details

  1. Participants can mesh the entire model or some parts of the model. The solid part of the model and/or the surrounding volume may be discretized.

  2. At least one of the participants presenting a solution must be registered for and attending the 24rd IMR.

  3. Each contest entry must be a compressed archived file (created using ZIP, TAR or GZ) which contains: The proposed solution (a mesh) has to be submitted in vtk, inp, exodus, gmsh, OpenFOAM, Star-CCM+ (.ccm), Fluent (.cas) , Gambit (.msh), TGrid (.grd), or Plot3D (.grd, p3d, xyz or .x) format.

  4. A special session will be dedicated to the �meshing contest� to present the obtained mesh, the way used to generate it and to reply to the questions of IMR attendees. The format of this session will be mainly based on interactive presentations and software demonstrations on laptops.

  5. In order to prepare this session, it is required from every participant of the meshing contest to provide:
    1. A ppt file with a single slide with several images and the names of the authors. This page will be displayed during the meshing contest session.
    2. A page (word or PDF) describing the approach and indicating the tools and/or algorithms used by the participants

  6. The maximum size of meshes that can be entered into the contest is 20 million elements. In addition, the maximum file size for the uploaded tarball is 1 GB. While we expect that members of the community generate meshes bigger than this regularly, the limit is to make the logistics of judging the entries feasible for the organizing committee.

  7. To submit an entry into the Meshing Contest, go to, and click on 3rd link "Make Submission", Enter all the data and make sure to specify "Meshing Contest" at the top. After completing this form, make sure to go and upload your contest submission file (ZIP, TAR, or GZ).

  8. The deadline for submitting an entry is September 30, 2015.

  9. All entries of the meshing contest will be evaluated and voted by the IMR attendees. The conference steering committee will select a winner and the "Meshing Maestro Award" will be given to the selected author. The winner has the opportunity to have their design used for next year's conference tee shirt.

  10. Evaluation criteria will be:
    1. The novelty of the approach;
    2. Practical usefulness of the mesh;
    3. The quality of the presentation and the ability to reply to the attendees� questions;
    4. The geometrical quality of the mesh. The VERDICT library is encouraged to be used in order to compare the entries with the same metrics. VERDICT is a comprehensive suite of mesh quality metrics developed at SNL for evaluating the quality of hex, tet, quad and triangle finite elements. More precisely, the scaled Jacobian metrics has to be used.
    5. The aesthetic appeal of the mesh.

Meshing Contest Chair

Andrey Chernikov
Assistance Professor
Department of Computer Science,Engineering & Computational Sciences Bldg, Old Dominion University, USA